Uncover UNICEF links to child-sex/espionage ring

3 July 1987

Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 14, Number 27, July 3, 1987

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Uncover UNICEF links to

child-sex/espionage ring

by Mark Burdman and Vivian Zoakos

The Belgian director of UNICEF, the United Nations' arm

for the ostensible protection of children, was arrested June

18 for participating in an international pedophile ring which

used UNICEF facilities to supply children to wealthy pedophiles.

Belgium's UNICEF director, Josef Verbeeck, was

only one among 12 individuals arrested in connection with

this child pornography and procurement ring.

According to the Belgian police, the ring spans the at

least 16 countries, where investigations are now beginning.

As shocking as this news may be on purely moral grounds,

what makes the case explosive is the fact that UNICEF's

pedophile activities appear intimately intertwined with intelligence


UNICEF director Verbeeck was arrested as part of a

crackdown on a child porn ring centered in the Brussels

suburb of Ixelles, headquarters of the Center for Research

and Information on Infants and Sexuality (French acronym

CRIES). Already five years ago, the director of CRIES was

arrested for using his high security job at the Belgian Ministry

of Justice to procure and leak classified documents. Other

CRIES members have been arrested for similar espionage


For intelligence professionals, the combination of pedophilia

and intelligence-gathering points to a likely Soviet

involvement in the entire affair.

EIR has in the past published extensive documentation of

another United Nations-centered, international pedophile

network with documentable Soviet tracks. This is the case of

WICCE, aU.N. organization which is the coordinating center

of a self-avowed neo-pagan movement headquartered in

Geneva, Moscow, and Rome. It was founded on the initiative

of assistant U. N. secretary general Robert Mueller at the

1976 "Year of the Woman" conference in Brussels, Belgium.

In Moscow, WICCE operates out of the offices of the

Soviet Women's Committee, under Galina Alexandreyevna.

Studies by EIR of mass murder cases and countless international

pedophile rings, which in the United States alone are

responsible for victimizing as many as 400,000 children,

have consistently turned up WICCE involvement.

The pedophile activities are used to provide Soviet and

other friendly intelligence networks with lavish oportunities

EIR July 3, 1987

for blackmail and espionage.

The involvement of UNICEF' s Belgian organization with

international pedophilia was uncovered when police conducted

a sweep of UNICEF's headquarters June 18. According

to a statement from a police spokesman, the sweep was

motivated by a broader investigation, centered on the Brussels

Center for Research and Information on Infants and

Sexuality. Examination of the UNICEF building turned up

evidence that the basement was used to store pornographic

pictures of children. Evidently, a computer was used to distribute

pictures of these children to a list of 400 "wealthy

clients," who would choose sexual partners from among the

children available.

As a result of these findings, the Belgian authorities arrested

two UNICEF employees. The first was UNICEF's

caretaker, Michel Falu, as well as its director, the 63-yearold

Verbeeck. Formerly a journalist for a leading Belgian,

Aemish-Ianguage daily, Verbeeck had used his UNICEF

position to procure children, often from broken homes, for

his international clientele. Since UNICEF is the best-known

"child help" agency in the world, it was doubtless easy for

Verbeeck and his associates to procure large numbers of

young ones for sexual exploitation.

According to the Belgian police, names of infants as

young as 8 months in age were found in the UNICEF basement

computer that stored the children available internationally

to pedophiles.

Verbeeck, however, was not operating in isolation. According

to reports published June 20 in the Italian daily II

Messaggero, the investigation into the UNICEF-linked international

pedophile ring extends to Holland, Great Britain,

France, and Switzerland. Among those arrested apart from

Verbeeck and Falu, there were eight other Belgians, plus one

Swiss and one Dutch citizen.

The hub of the entire network, where at least one arrest

was made already last March, is apparently the cited CRIES

organization. Under the guise of studying so-called infant

sexuality, CRIES and its affiliate offices in Switzerland and

France gained access to children whom, authorities believe,

it used to service pedophiles in about 15 countries. These

include most of Western Europe, the United States, Canada,

International 37

As shocking as this news may be

on purely moral grounds, what

makes the case explosive is the fact

that UNICEF's pedophile activities

appear intimately intertwined with

intelligence operatiOns.

Japan, and two African countries. CRIES is also the link

which ties the pedophile activities of this network to illicit

intelligence operations.

It was investigations into the CRIES network which led

authorities to UNICEF. Another trail led across the border to

the Netherlands, where police found a photographic laboratory

stocked with thousands of feet of pornographic film.

CRIES was founded by one Philippe Carpentier, a former

functionary of the Belgian Justice Ministry arrested five years

ago for leaking secret documents. Carpentier's high security

position at the ministry was that of translator of documents

from the so-called "Trevi Group." This refers to an interministerial

body, involving Western interior and justice minis-tries, that coordinates intelligence and police work in the

battle against terrorism.

Carpentier passed that intelligence over to terrorist networks.

In at least one instance, he passed documents from

the files of the Belgian vice squad to the leftist magazine

Pour. He also passed on a secret report of Interpol-Wiesbaden

on the German Red Army .Fraction terrorist gang.

For these and related activities, Carpentier was jailed five

years ago. However, his job at the ministry was handed over

to another CRIES figure, Michel de Cree. Why and how this

outrageous breach of security occurred is still to be investigated.

In any case, what is known is that de Cree predictably

continued Carpentier's intelligence activities. For this, he

himself was arrested in March of this year.

According to Belgian sources consulted by EIR, their job

in the Ministry of Justice had given Carpentier and de Creewho

were simultaneously involved in child-pornography

procurement activities-access to some of the most sensitive

information passing over the diplomatic and bureaucratic

tables of Europe. The full dimensions of the security threat

to the West which all this implies can, at present, barely be


Meanwhile, the investigations are continuing. There has

even been some talk that the names of the 400 high-ranking

pedophiles found in the UNICEF computer may be released

to the public.
