Mirela: An update (died)

11 March 2014

Mirela: An update

11 March 14

We are deeply saddened to announce that Mirela, who featured in the Channel 5 documentary 'A Home for Mirela', passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on Sunday 9th March from acute cardio-respiratory failure.

Mirela spent most of her childhood living in institutions, but was moved into her new home in Slatina, in December 2013. She lived there with 11 young adults – three of whom were her siblings - the move had gone extremely well and she was settled and happy. The home was made possible by the fundraising efforts of Sky Sports F1 presenter and Hope and Homes for Children patron Natalie Pinkham and her Mirela Fund.

In the home she received the best care she has experienced in her short life with fully trained carers and medical nurses supervising Mirela and all of the young adults 24 hours a day. Our team in Romania is now providing counselling and support to the young adults and carers at the Small Family Home. Supporting them at this difficult time is our key focus.

This is an incredibly sad situation however we should not forget that Mirela was an inspiration. She inspired Natalie to create ‘Mirela's home’ which will continue to provide a safe, secure and happy family home for 11 young adults. Her story has inspired many others too and we continue to receive a positive response from people who saw her story in the recent documentary and want to help. It would not be trite to say that Mirela's legacy will live on and because of Mirela the lives of other children growing up in institutions will be changed.

Our thoughts are with Mirela's siblings, the other young adults in the home, their carers, Natalie Pinkham and everyone involved with the Mirela Fund; we share their loss and sadness.
