27 May 2014



"The case seems to have come to a successful conclusion thanks to all the people who have worked with tireless dedication." The Minister of Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini comments on the last developments in the case of 31 children adopted in Democratic Republic of Congo, But now Italian citizens stranded in Kinshasafor bureaucratic reasons. Already on Monday, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announced on Twitter to have "just given the green light: a plane part of the Italian Republic for Congo to return adopted children stuck for months# Acasa". On arrival times at the moment there is still no certainty. "When will I know," said Mogherini.

An agreement between the prime minister Matteo Renzi and the Congolese president Joseph Kabilahas helped to unlock a situation that holds the rope for many months 24 families, And within the children can be reunited with their adoptive parents. According to the president of the Commission for International Adoptions (Cai) Silvia Della Monica, The expected arrival Italy of 31 children is a matter of a few days: "We will do as quickly as possible," he assured. Della Monica - magistrate only two months at the head of Cai - Sent a letter to the families and agencies involved, recommending "to act with prudence and discretion, not to take individual initiatives" to link up with the same Cai and follow the instructions of the latter. In particular, believes "most necessary to reiterate how inappropriate and risky at this sensitive time, the departure of adoptive families for the Congo."

If anything, therefore, waiting for the story ends. A story that goes on for months, with 24 couples who despite having completed the adoption process have not yet been able to bring home their children due to the lack of clearance by the Congolese authorities. Last September Kinshasa had decided to suspend for one year the authorization for the release of all international adoptions, on suspicion of irregular procedures that, however, as they had at the time reported the same Congolese authorities did not concern Italy. In early November, the then Minister Kyenge Cécile, who had held the mandate for international adoptions, had carried out a mission in Democratic Republic of Congo getting insurance on a successful conclusion of the adoption by the Italian couples. Some families had left for the CongoBut were stuck in Country African without being able to bring home their children.

After a period of stalemate, the Italian Government had sent a delegation in the African country to try to break the deadlock, but so far without success. On Monday, the news: authorities Kinshasa summoned the ambassadors of the countries involved (in addition to 'Italy, There are France, Belgium, Usa and Canada) to announce that as a result of the checks carried out on individual dossiers, they allowed the children to leave the country. A "humanitarian response" of the president KabilaExplains the CaiBecause the block adoptions "has not been removed." And in fact there are other Congolese children who were given up for adoption in Italian couples, and for which the Commission is committed to continue to "play a constant and intense work" to get permission to bring in Italian also these other children. Exult meanwhile expectant parents of 31 adopted children coming: "If it were true ..." says Dear Michela, Who with her husband Andrea Minocchi awaits the arrival of the small FrancoisThree years. They had not had any news from the Congolese authorities and in recent months had kept in contact with the child through Skype.

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