The TREVI Acquis (UNRC = acquis)

1 January 1993


from: K.4 Committee

dated: 3 November 1993

to Permanent Representatives Committee

Subject: Draft list on the "acquis" of the Union and of its Member States

in the fields of Justice end Home Affairs (situation as at 1 July 1993)

B. Conventions drawn up in other fora relating to areas covered by Title

VI of the TEU

- in criminal matters:

- European Convention on Extradition (Paris, 13 December 1957).

- Protocol I (Strasbourg, 15 October 1975).

- Protocol II (Strasbourg, 17 March 1978).

- European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters

(Strasbourg, 2 April 1959).

- Additional Protocol (Strasbourg, March 1978).

- European Convention on the International Validity of Criminal

Judgments (The Hague, 28 May 1970).

- European Convention on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal

Matters (Strasbourg, 15 May 1972)


European Convention on the transfer of proceedings in criminal matters

European Convention on the suppression of terrorism

Convention on the transfer of sentenced prisoners

Convention on laundering, search, seizure and confiscation of the

proceeds of crime

- in civil matters

Convention on the service abroad of judicial and extrajudicial documents

in civil and commercial matters

Convention on international access to justice

Convention on the civil aspects of international child abuse

European Convention on the recognition and enforcement of decisions

concerning custody of children and on restoration of custody of children

Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic

processing of personal data

Convention on the rights of the child

Convention on 1 March 1954 on civil procedures

Convention of 18 March 1970 on the taking of evidence abroad in civil

or commercial matters



Trevi Acquis.pdf (357730 Bytes)