Nicholas Rees (UNICEF) will lead the theme on social return on investment at Eurochild Annual Conference

16 October 2014

Nicholas Rees (UNICEF) will lead the theme on social return on investment at Eurochild Annual Conference

16-10-2014 AC 2014 - Eurochild News -

Nicholas Rees works as a Policy Analysis Specialist in the Division of Policy and Strategy at UNICEF Headquarters in New York

Nicholas Rees, UNICEF Policy Analysis Specialist, will be one of our resource persons at the upcoming Eurochild Annual Conference, guiding the discussions on social return on investment.

Being a well-experienced specialist in the child welfare field within the UNICEF Headquarters’ Policy and Strategy Division team, with a solid political and economic knowledge, Nicholas Rees has a wide-ranging understanding of the means to measure broader social impact when investing in children and of the ways to best exploit evidence when shaping social policies.

He is very knowledgeable of what the practical significance of social return on investment in child rights and child wellbeing can potentially represent in the current challenging austerity times. Building on Mr Rees’ expertise and on the insights provided by the invited expert speakers, the social return on investment theme of the conference will focus on discussions around the issue of quantifying long-term social impact related to investment in child and family services in order to avoid child-family separation and stimulate better alternative care services.

Find below some of UNICEF’s most recent publications on the topic:

Rees, Nicholas; Chai, Jingqing; Anthony, David. Right in Principle and in Practice: A Review of the Social and Economic Returns to Investing in Children, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), New York, 2012.

“A brief review of the social and economic returns to investing in children”, Division of Policy and Strategy, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), New York, June 2012.
