Trish Maskew Jewish


Volunteers are the beating heart of Shirat HaNefesh.The vitality of our synagogue community is evident in the number of active members doing essential work on our committees.

We encourage every member to take an active role in shaping our community. Contact any of the members listed below to get involved!

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the overall policy and direction of SHN after obtaining advice and input from the membership. The Board also oversees day-to-day affairs. In carrying out its responsibilities, the Board seeks to show respect for individual points of view, including minority opinions, and to be responsive to members’ interests and needs.

Lou Novick (Chair)

Nan Wellins (Vice Chair)

Caren Novick (Treasurer)

Robert Blecker (Secretary)

Lin Nemiroff (Membership)

Phyllis Greer (Trustee)

Harvey Iglarsh (Trustee)

Izabella Tabarovsky (Trustee)

Ira Zukerman (Trustee)

Andi Weidman (Past chair, trustee ex officio)

Heidi Coleman (Past chair, trustee ex officio)

Avodah (Worship) Committee

The Avodah Committee is responsible for developing policies regarding our synagogue worship practices, our balance between worship and study, and certain policies that relate to religious practices and policies, such as Shabbat observances as a community and B’nai Mitzvah practices.

Chair: Harvey Iglarsh

Contact: Trish Maskew

Education (Religious School) Committee

The Education Committee supports the Education Director, who manages the day-to-day affairs of the religious school education program for our children – pre-K through 18, including Bar and Bat Mitzvah.

Chair: Ira Zukerman

Limud (Adult Learning) Committee

The Limud Committee is responsible for planning and implementing adult learning programs that impart knowledge and stimulate thought and discussion.

Chair: Gideon Amir

Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World/Social Action) Committee

The Tikkun Olam Committee is responsible for coordinating social action projects to promote Jewish values and mitzvot (moral actions), including pursuing justice and peace, engaging in g’milut chasadim (acts of lovingkindness) in support of our surrounding community, and serving as stewards of the environment.

Co-Chair: Lisa Jo Finstrom

Co-Chair: (Imagine your name here… )

Chesed (Kindness) Committee

The Chesed Committee is responsible for organizing efforts by members to help and support each other in times of need and in times of joy. Our goal is to link members when a need becomes apparent, doing deeds of lovingkindness within our own community, and fostering a spirit of mutual concern.

Co-Chair: Judy Deitz

Co-Chair: Connie Giniger

Activities (Community Building) Committee

The Activities Committee is responsible for providing logistical support for religious and holiday observances, and for planning and organizing community-building events.

Co-Chair: Lynda Honberg

Co-Chair: Andi Weidman

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee is responsible for coordinating the outreach efforts of Shirat HaNefesh: creating press releases, advertisements and other public statements; developing and maintaining our website, listserv, Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter accounts; and taking part in local community events that attract prospective members.

Co-Chair: newly vacant position – looking for a PR genius!

Co-Chair: (imagine your name here…)

Business and Finance Committee

The Business and Finance Committee is responsible for developing and reviewing fiscal procedures, fundraising plans, and the annual budget with staff and other Trustees, and recommending them for approval by the Board. The Finance Committee also submits reports to the Board concerning actual and pending income and expenditures.

Member: Harvey Iglarsh

Member: Lou Novick

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee is responsible for developing and overseeing the implementation of SHN fundraising plans.

Chair: Lou Novick

Facilities Committee

The Facilities Committee is responsible for making the short-term arrangements for the facilities used by our synagogue community, and for considering our long-term needs in the future.

Contact: Fred Plotnick
