SOcial Report Bulgaria - Childhood for All

30 April 2014

The provision of social services and childcare services is one of the most successful

instruments in support of children and the family. In recent years the policy of providing

support to children and families has been focused on introducing an entirely new approach to

childcare aimed at prevention, early intervention, support of families and providing a family

or close to family environment to every child. In the context of the continuous reform of care

for children placed in specialized institutions, deinstitutionalization is one of the key

priorities aimed at providing long-term and sustainable solutions. In that regard it should be

noted, that currently deinstitutionalization of childcare is at a crucial stage and the

implementation of the five projects set in the Action Plan under the National Strategy

“Vision for deinstitutionalization of the children of the Republic of Bulgaria” is now

giving specific results.

One of the key projects is “Childhood for All” aimed at the deinstitutionalization of

care for children and young people with disabilities. Within the project, all 1797 children

and young people were assessed and now the first Centres for Family-Type

Accommodation have been established in 14 municipalities and staff trainings at the

newly-established services have been organized. In 2013, 23 children were accommodated in

the 2 newly-opened Centres for Family-type Accommodation in Karnobat Municipality, and

so far the total number of accommodated children is 29. As of march 2014, a total of 67

children have been placed in 10 centres for family-type accommodation in 6 municipalities

under the “Childhood for All” project and a total of 12 young people have been placed in 3

Protected Homes in 3 municipalities. Under the project “DIRECTION: Family” there have

been prepared assessments of 201 children from pilot homes and the construction and

renovation works at the larger parts of the Homes for medico-social care for children have

been finished. Results have been achieved under this project also concerning the provision of

appropriate alternative childcare in the target group. Significant results have also been

achieved within another extremely important project “I have a family too”. As of the end of

February 2014 a total of 954 foster families were approved and a total of 1122 children

used the service. Particular results have also been achieved under project “Enhancing the

capacity of the Social Assistance Agency for increasing the quality and efficiency of

social work”. Under this project, as of February 2014, 383 social workers were recruited at

all the Social Assistance Directorates in the country. In view of the need for effectively

planning social services, there is also the project “Development of the system for planning

and providing social services on the regional level” whereby it has been identified that 92

settlements need to have social services created in them for the persons leaving homes for

children deprived of parental care, people with physical and mental disabilities, waiting to be

placed. As of February 2014, under Operation “Living in the Community” there were being

implemented 20 contracts, and it is planned that 24 services will be established for these

target groups, that will include 305 users in total. Social services include: 5 Monitored Homes

(36 people); 4 Protected Homes (39 people); 9 Centres for Family-type Accommodation (120

people); 4 Centres for Social Rehabilitation and Integration (90 people) and 2 Day centres for

elderly people with disabilities (20 people).

12 According to data from the Social Assistance Agency (SAA).



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