MOTION FOR A RESOLUTIONon setting up a European agency for the adoption of children within the EU

8 January 2015

Motions for Resolutions (Rule 133 of the Rules of Procedure)

Coordinators recommended that the following motions for resolutions are not followed-up:

- B8-0004/2015: on setting up a European agency for the adoption of children within

the EU (Aldo Patriciello)



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pursuant to Rule 133 of the Rules of Procedure

on setting up a European agency for the adoption of children within the EU

Aldo Patriciello

Motion for a European Parliament resolution on setting up a European agency for the adoption of children within the EU


The European Parliament,

– having regard to Rule 133 of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas adoption is a legal arrangement whereby persons who have lost their birth parents or who are not acknowledged, or cannot be brought up, by their birth parents can become legitimate children of other parents;

B. whereas international adoption makes it possible to adopt a child in a foreign country, assuming that the country in question has acceded to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, this being without prejudice to the option allowing a couple to adopt a child even in a country that has not signed the Hague Convention, provided that the two countries concerned have a bilateral adoption agreement;

C. whereas international adoption is taking place on a growing scale as social mores have come increasingly to cut across national boundaries;

D. whereas there are numerous accredited agencies that assist future adoptive parents during the international adoption process by carrying out the necessary procedures abroad in order to bring the adoption about, helping parents to deal with foreign authorities, and supporting them in the next stages once the adoption has been completed;

E. whereas adoption is a lengthy process taking between two and four years to complete;

F. whereas each Member State regulates international adoption in its own way and, applying its own arrangements, accredits authorised agencies under its existing national law;

G. whereas, as laid down in Article 20 TFEU, every person holding the nationality of a Member State is a European citizen, European citizenship being intended not to replace national citizenship, but to be additional to it;

H. whereas, therefore, all those born in a Member State are European citizens;

I. whereas, in the light of the foregoing, any child born on European territory can undoubtedly be said to be a ‘European child’;

1. Calls on the Commission to draw up a new proposal for a regulation establishing a European agency to administer the adoption of children within the EU and laying down the procedures and rules to be followed by the agency for that purpose.
