POHLEPNA DOKTORKA Reklamirala srpsku decu na sajtovima u SAD
16 April 2015

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Greedy DOKTORKA advertised Serbian children at sites in the US

Zorica Lazarevic? | 16. 04. 2015 to 19: 28h

| Comments: 78

"Blic" arose two of the American family, of which Dr. Jasmina Jankovic? asked for money for adoptions.

Fortunately the family: Severson adopted two children with disabilities from Serbia

Fortunately the family: Severson adopted two children with disabilities from Serbia

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Families Spring and Severson were detailed and extensive confessions reporters 'Blic' described how the doctor Jankovic? between 2006 and 2011 on the websites advertised Americans to adopt children from Serbia with disabilities.

As in the market, adoptive parents are na? One even kids who were not even on the list for adoption, and that the doctor secretly took pictures at the Center in Zvecan? Anska, which is strictly forbidden. The adoption of these children, Dr. Jankovic? of the families of America charged? animals big dollar amounts, although it is well known that the process of adoption in Serbia practically no free.

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Deceived them: Jankovic? Eva (right) with Lia Spring and small? Or? Em

Family Spring adopted the? Four children with Down syndrome from Serbia, but only with the first adoption had problems because the accounts by means of a Jasmine Jankovic? and agencies "About a child" with which the doctor had a contract.

- Dr. Jankovic? I asked for 4,350 euros. At this time it is? PC transportation from the airport to Kragujevac, where the child was located, as well as its intervention in translation? Trial. When it senses that I have friends in Serbia, she said, which is evident in an email correspondence that is not accidentally not to mention that I want to adopt a child because, she claimed, the big secret in Serbia - bear witness and Lia Spring, which is the email correspondence forwarded to daily "Blic".

Spring claims that the light come on at the moment when the meeting with Vesna Teki ?, psychologists from the Ministry of Labour, Jankovic? Eva presented as a doctor small? Or? A de waiting with Down syndrome, although it previously had never seen.

- Several times I repeated that I can not do anything to anybody when I would about the adoption process, or that I gave her the money. You? Do you believe that the Ministry was not aware of her wrongdoing because the family intimidate employees of the Ministry and repetition that will, if they get angry, adoption be suspended - story Lia Spring that is? Or? And adopted in December 2010 . years.


POHLEPNA DOKTORKA Reklamirala srpsku decu na sajtovima u SAD

Zorica Lazarevi? | 16. 04. 2015 - 19:28h

| Komentara: 78

„Blicu“ su se javile još dve ameri?ke porodice od kojih je dr Jasmina Jankovi? tražila novac za usvajanje dece.

Sre?na porodica: Seversonovi su usvojili dvoje dece sa invaliditetom iz Srbije

Sre?na porodica: Seversonovi su usvojili dvoje dece sa invaliditetom iz Srbije

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Porodice Spring i Severson su u detaljnim i opširnim ispovestima reporterima „Blica“ opisali kako je doktorka Jankovi? izme?u 2006. i 2011. godine na internet sajtovima Amerikancima reklamirala za usvajanje decu iz Srbije sa smetnjama u razvoju.

Kao na pijaci, usvojiteljima su nu?eni ?ak i mališani koji nisu ni bili na listi za usvajanje, a koje je doktorka tajno slikala u Centru u Zve?anskoj, što je najstrožije zabranjeno. Za usvajanje ove dece doktorka Jankovi? je od porodica iz Amerika napla?ivala velike dolarske svote, iako je dobro znala da je proces usvajanja u Srbiji prakti?no besplatan.

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Prevarila ih: Jankovi?eva (desno) sa Liom Spring i malim ?or?em

Porodica Spring usvojila je ?etvoro dece sa Daunovim sindromom iz Srbije, a samo sa prvim usvajanjem imali su problema jer je ra?en posredstvom Jasmine Jankovi? i agencije „About a child“ s kojom je ova doktorka imala ugovor.

- Doktorka Jankovi? mi je tražila 4.350 evra. U to je ura?unala transport sa aerodroma do Kragujevca, gde se dete nalazilo, kao i njeno posredovanje u prevo?enju. Kada je ?ula da imam prijatelje u Srbiji, rekla mi je, što se i vidi u mejl prepisci, da ni slu?ajno ne spominjem da želim da usvojim dete jer je to, tvrdila je, velika tajna u Srbiji - svedo?i Lia Spring, koja je mejl prepisku prosledila redakciji „Blica“.

Spring tvrdi da joj se lampica upalila onog trenutka kada se na sastanku sa Vesnom Teki?, psihologom iz Ministarstva rada, Jankovi?eva predstavila kao doktorka malog ?or?a, de?aka sa Daunovim sindromom, iako ga pre toga nikada nije videla.

- Nekoliko puta mi je ponavljala da ne smem nikome ništa da pri?am o procesu usvajanja, niti da sam joj dala novac. Li?no verujem da Ministarstvo nije bilo ni upoznato s njenim malverzacijama jer je porodice zastrašivala zaposlenima u Ministarstvu i ponavljanjem da ?e, ako se oni naljute, usvajanje biti obustavljeno - pri?a Lia Spring koja je ?or?a usvojila u decembru 2010. godine.
