OTKRIVAMO I earned on the adoption of children

14 April 2015

OTKRIVAMO I earned on the adoption of children

Zorica Lazarevic | 14th 04. 2015-21: 56h

| Comments: 131

Reporters 'Blic' during research on adoption discovered the secret hidden for four years of Serbian children with disabilities by the doctor from Belgrade practically sold for adoption to foreigners for $ 8,000.

Photo Casey and Sofia announce with the consent of the family Kalvarezi

Photo Casey and Sofia announce with the consent of the family Kalvarezi

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The study of "Blic" has shown that the main actor of this story, Dr. Jasmina Jankovi?, who was at that time, from 2009 to 2011, she worked as a representative of the adoption agency "Reece's Rainbow" from America, although at the same time the specialist for physical Medicine and rehabilitation at the Center for protection of infants, children and Youth, Gynecology Clinic in Belgrade.

In this way, as it will determine the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, used the position to disclose confidential information to strangers on children for adoption, which is prohibited, but also to give them gifts and asking for money for the alleged fees - although Serbia does not adopt charged!

She asked dollars

Reporters 'Blic' case revealed Kalvarezi Casey, a US citizen, who in 2010 made contact with Dr. Jankovic through adoption agencies in the United States.

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Dr. Jankovic: That's nonsense

- That's nonsense! - Retorted the doctor briefly Jankovi? journalist of "Blic" and hung up the phone when we called her a few questions about the claims of the Ministry Zvecanska and families Kalvarezi.

Dr Jankovi? her claims Kalvarezi, given all the information about a girl named Sophia who has autism and that was in a foster home in Velika Plana.

- Through the e-mails we asked a large number of gifts and to bring $ 6,000 in fees for alleged adoption process - says for "Blic" Casey Kalvarezi.

The day before the adoption of Dr. Jankovic, claims Kalvarezi, came to her hotel room and asked for another $ 2,000. The family is suspected in her, but, as they say, out of fear that the child will not get accepted to give more money.

Kalvarezijevi Sofia are adopted in April 2010. The following year, when they realized that they were deceived, chances were reported to the Ministry of Labour.

Rasim Ljajic, Minister of Labour and Social Policy, says for "Blic" that the Ministry reacted immediately after the signing of American citizens and registered to Dr. Jankovic Center Zvecanska. To us in the Centre and confirmed.

- The Commission found that Dr. Jasmina Jankovi? violated labor rules of our center because, by his own admission, gave away information about the children, but also participated in the adoption process, which is a conflict of interest. We report the case to the police - says for "Blic" Zoran Mila?i?, director of the Center.

Strange complication

First Municipal Prosecution in late 2011 received from the police reported the case to Dr. Jankovic charged with abuse of office. But here arises a strange plot.

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Casey Kalvarezi says that the adoption of a child we paid $ 8,000 and brought plenty of gifts

- After hearing the suspects Jankovi? Jasmine, examination of witnesses and collected all the evidence and analysis thereof, the Prosecution on 22 October 2013 adopted a ruling which rejected the charge against Jankovic Jasmine - we were told that the Prosecutor's Office.

And not only that! Dr. Jankovic Center Zvecanska sued for alleged violations of procedures for dismissal - but not because of the charges that he violated the code of labor. She's from the Centre asking for monetary damages and a trial was in progress.

This information shocked the family Kalvarezi which insists that the case be restarted.

- I am outraged by the fact that Dr. Jankovic can get back to work again and be near children. This is unacceptable - says Casey Kalvarezi.

The US Embassy in Belgrade says for 'Blic' that they are aware of the charges against Dr. Jasmine Jankovi? and that they "seriously".

Foreigners adopting children with disabilities

Foreigners in Serbia end the process of adoption by two to three months and can only adopt children that are not able to find adoptive parents among the Serbian citizens. These are still Roma children or children with disabilities.

- If you accept to adopt a particular child, for whom the guardianship authority following the procedure in accordance with the law and professional standards determined that such adoption is in their best interest, adoption is implemented within one month of the arrival of foreign adoptive parents in Serbia. The overall procedure for foreign adoptions takes an average of three to four months. Procedures and conditions for international adoption are strictly regulated, every detail of the proceedings into account all actors to ensure that such adoption fully achieve adequate protection of the best interests of the child - say in the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy.

The Prosecutor's Office has formed a new course for Dr. Jamisnu Jankovi?

Based on the documents that the "Blic" submitted to the First Basic Public Prosecutor's Office created a new case involving the doctor from Zvecanska Jasmin Jankovic.

- On the basis of documents which gives rise to suspicion that a criminal offense, the prosecution has formed the subject. Further procedure involves verification of these allegations or evidence, documentation delivered to us - they say in the Prosecutor's Office for "Blic".

First basic public prosecutor's office acted in the case of doctors from Zvecanska after logging PU Belgrade from 25 November 2011. However, according to the Prosecutor's Office criminal report that was rejected in 2013 did not relate to the cases referred to "Blic" he wrote.

- Police Prosecutor's Office filed the application on suspicion of Jasmina Jankovic committed a criminal offense - abuse of official position under Article 359, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. The complaint also stated that the suspect Jankovic in the period from February 2009 to April 2010. The abuse of office physiatrist doctor voluntarily engaged in the procedures of inter-country adoption of children. The complaint also stated that the suspect Jankovi? unauthorized compiled and submitted more photos of children who are part of the inter-country adoption agency "About Child" to gain an advantage as adoptive parents for adoption, and the intention of acquiring material gain for themselves from their families and adoptive parents by the agency " About Child "- referred to the Prosecutor's Office.

How to add First basic public prosecutor's office acting on that application performed all necessary action, a criminal complaint was dismissed for lack of reasonable suspicion that a criminal offense which has been declared.

- After the conducted evidentiary actions, the hearing of the accused, the questioning of witnesses and collected all the evidence and analysis that collected and submitted evidence from PU javnop Belgrade First Basic Prosecution has decided to name the dismissed criminal charges - allegations the Prosecutor's Office. Ž.J.
