Don's beginnings in Romania: "export" of children and a privatization bid by Sesta

9 September 2015

Don's beginnings in Romania: "export" of children and a privatization bid by Sesta

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American millionaire Don Lothrop, founder of One Foundation Romania, in 2005-2006 he was the president of a foundation that helps other Americans adopt children from Romania under the slogan: "Meet a child with Jesus Christ." In 2006, New Lothrop Vista Partners Fund wanted to privatize shoe factory Clujana without any tender, Plant is a relative of friend's business partner ?.i American Cluj, former MP Vasile Suciu.

Steven SchelhammerSteven Schelhammer

American love Transylvania Don Lothrop, invited twice at the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication (FSPAC) in Cluj, who is partnered with Steven Schelhammer in the fund's New Vista Partners, which invests in Romania. What brought the Schelhammer in Romania Lothrop and international child adoptions industry. In 2005, Lothrop chair the board of the nonprofit foundation Regeneration Ministries, which in addition to social assistance for children, dealing with the "export" of Romanian children by US families. Schelhammer was also a member of the Administrative Board of Regeneration Ministries. Meanwhile the foundation has focused its vision to "rediscover sexuality". "Regeneration helps people to experience the redemptive work of Christ in their sexuality," writes the Foundation's website.

Don Lothrop new vistaLeadership Foundation suffered a shock when the Romanian authorities have halted international adoptions, attacking hard decision: "When Romania bowed to pressure the European Union adopted a new package legilativ the" welfare of children ", suddenly, efforts save our children have been prevented. Even worse than the effect they had these new laws on our organization was the effect of the new provisions on children in Romania ". Foundation Urges Americans to adoptions with slogans like "Meet a child with Jesus Christ," "change the future of Romania" or "children need food, housing, education, love and Jesus." According Regeneration Ministries, children can not be adopted are trapped in a "no man's land" (land of anyone), or are sent back to their families negligent unless supervised by social workers.

Lothrop's Foundation joined forces in 2006 with For the Children SOS organization, led by Linda Robak together by organizing debates on adoptions in the US Government and the European Parliament. According to the two entities, the Romanian Government stubbornly refuses to take into account the interests of the children. Americans have expressed hope that the law on international adoptions in Romania will once again changed in their favor.

According to the Romanian Office for Adoptions (ORA), over 1,300 Romanian children adopted abroad between 1997 and 2005 had disappeared, the Romanian state nemaiprimind no news about them. In view of Romanian authorities, the situation of adopted children for Americans is the most dramatic. Most are declared "missing" (491) in a country which has not ratified the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption. US authorities can not therefore be obliged to cooperate on this issue with the Romanian. The children arrived in the US were driven by the Romanian government on trust. Lothrop's friend, Linda Robak, adopted in 2001, a Romanian girl two years and eight months. Robak blamed the foundations and Romanian authorities that adoptions were performed by children no longer know anything, because they had not kept track postado?ie reports. Then Robak campaigned for resumption of international adoptions and Romanian government harshly attacked whenever they could.

Last year, Romania has established Lothrop One Student at the Faculty of Political Science Club UBB, dedicated students who want to get involved in volunteering. A video presentation HERE

He wanted to privatize Clujana

Clujana factoryIn 2006, some local potentates advocated selling stock (93% of the share capital) held by the County Council at the American Society Clujana New Vista Partners (NVP). Then Director of Clujana John Sabin Pop, consider the possible sale of the factory to NVP "a tremendous opportunity". His opinion was, however, subjective, considering that Pop is a relative of the former PSD deputy from 2000-2004 legislature, Vasile Suciu, partner of NVP representative, Donald James Lothrop in a company in Cluj. The company is called Donvas Ltd, it was established three months before the intention to take Clujana having real estate in Transylvania and Oltenia Bihar. NVP does not have a branch or a company in Romania, under which the transaction CJ.

PD senator Sabin Pop was between 1998-2000, then went over to the PSD during the period when his brother Vasile Suciu, was the Social Democrats. Meanwhile, Suciu left the PSD. Just county councilors from PSD were those who opposed the sale Clujana, claiming that an audit is needed to show the value of the factory and that it should be privatized after being revived production line. In contrast, President CJ then, Marius Nicoara Liberal urgently consider the sale of the factory absolutely necessary and is extremely pleased to offer NVP.

The two sons Suciu by Marty group company, bought before Lothrop's intention privatization, asset Clujana factory, under a lease with the preemption clause concluded back when CJ was led by PSD.

In October 2014, Don Lothrop tells to have waived the privatization Clujana, sufgerat? a friend because of county councilors: "My first 25 trips to Romania were charity, then we decided to set up a fund investments (private equity here in Transylvania and all I knew was that I respect the law.A friend (most likely Suciu - Suggested me to buy shoes factory Clujana and I said OK. Then I realized that when doing business with the State's impossible to follow the law, TLS people, in this case those of the factory Clujana and those from the County Council which had contracts to repair installations, buildings, did not want anyone to buy factory because that was one state-owned and so were her money.They wanted something, we do not want to give anybody anything, and I finally decided to use this investment fund to buy vacant land, hundreds of plots to peasants, and I avoided doing business with the government; the US does not want to have anything to do with the government and here I do not want to deal with it. "

Associate in Bihar

Don Lothrop and Steven Schelhammer are associated in a firm Bihar New Vista LLC, along with two Romanian Liviu Simionas and Adrian Drean. The company's main activity "Real estate development", but last year had a net loss of 3.64 million. Adrian Drean appears in a TV news as the organizer of an event in which doctors, teachers, nurses and members of private hospitals in the United States came into Felix to talk about health management to improve health services to their counterparts in country .

Lothrop bihor

Read about Don's businesses in Cluj HERE!


Începuturile lui Don în România: ”Exportul” de copii ?i încercarea unei privatiz?ri pe ?est

admin 25/09/2015 DEZV?LUIRI / ANCHETE Comenteaz?!


Milionarul american Don Lothrop, fondatorul funda?iei Romania One, era în anii 2005-2006 pre?edintele unei alte funda?ii care ajuta americani s? adopte copii din România sub sloganul: ”Face?i cuno?tin?? unui copil cu Iisus Hristos!”. În 2006, Lothrop prin fondul New Vista Partners a vrut s? privatizeze fabrica de înc?l??minte Clujana, f?r? nicio licita?ie, directorul fabricii fiind rud? cu prietenul ?.i partenerul de afaceri al americanului în Cluj, fostul deputat Vasile Suciu.

Steven Schelhammer

Steven Schelhammer

Americanul îndr?gostit de Ardeal, Don Lothrop, invitat de dou? ori la Facultatea de ?tiin?e Politice, Administrative ?i ale Comunic?rii (FSPAC) din Cluj, îl are ca partener pe Steven Schelhammer în cadrul fondului de investi?ii New Vista Partners, prin care investe?te în România. Ceea ce i-a adus pe Lothrop ?i Schelhammer în România este industria adop?iilor interna?ionale de copii. În 2005, Lothrop prezida consiliul de administra?ie al funda?iei non-profit Regeneration Ministries, care, pe lâng? asisten?? social? pentru copii, se ocupa cu “exportul” de copii români c?tre familiile din SUA. Schelhammer era, de asemenea, membru al consiliului de adminsitra?ie al Regeneration Ministries. Între timp funda?ia ?i-a axat viziunea c?tre ”reg?sirea sexualit??ii”. ”Regenerarea îi ajut? pe oameni s? experienteze lucrarea de r?scump?rare a lui Hristos în domeniul sexualit??ii lor”, scrie pe site-ul funda?iei.

Don lothrop new vistaConducerea funda?iei a suferit un adev?rat ?oc în momentul în care autorit??ile române au stopat adop?iile interna?ionale, atacând dur aceast? decizie: “Când România a cedat presiunilor Uniunii Europene ?i a adoptat un nou pachet legilativ privind “bun?starea copiilor”, dintr-o dat?, eforturile noastre de a salva copii au fost împiedicate. Chiar mai r?u decât efectul pe care l-au avut aceste noi legi asupra organiza?iilor noastre, a fost efectul noilor prevederi asupra copiilor din România”. Funda?ia îndeamna americanii la adop?ii cu sloganuri de genul “face?i cuno?tin?? unui copil cu Iisus Hristos”, “schimba?i viitorul României”, sau “copiii au nevoie de mâncare, locuin??, educa?ie, dragoste ?i Iisus”. Conform Regeneration Ministries, copiii care nu mai pot fi adopta?i sunt bloca?i într-un “no man’s land” (t?râm al nim?nui) sau sunt trimi?i înapoi la familiile lor neglijente f?r? a fi supraveghea?i de asisten?i sociali.

Funda?ia lui Lothrop ?i-a unit for?ele, în 2006, cu organiza?ia For the children SOS, condus? de Linda Robak, împreun? organizând dezbateri pe tema adop?iilor în Guvernul SUA ?i Parlamentul European. Conform celor dou? entit??i, Guvernul român refuza cu înc?p??ânare s? ?in? cont de interesul copiilor. Americanii ?i-au exprimat speran?a c? legisla?ia din România privind adop?iile interna?ionale va fi din nou schimbat? în favoarea lor.

Potrivit Oficiului Român pentru Adop?ii (ORA), peste 1.300 de copii români adopta?i peste hotare între anii 1997 ?i 2005 au disp?rut, statul român nemaiprimind nici o veste despre ei. În viziunea autorit??ilor române, situatia celor înfia?i de americani este cea mai dramatic?. Sunt cei mai multi declara?i „disp?ru?i” (491), într-o ?ar? care nu a ratificat Conven?ia de la Haga privind protec?ia copilului ?i cooperarea în materie de adop?ii interna?ionale. Autorit??ile americane nu pot fi deci obligate s? coopereze pe acest subiect cu cele române. Copiii ajun?i în SUA au fost da?i de statul român pe încredere. Amica lui Lothrop, Linda Robak, a adoptat, în 2001, o feti?? românc? de doi ani ?i opt luni. Robak a dat vina pe funda?iile ?i autorit??ile române prin care s-au efectuat adop?iile copiilor de care nu se mai ?tie nimic, deoarece acestea nu ar fi ?inut eviden?a rapoartelor postado?ie. Apoi, Robak a militat pentru reluarea adop?iilor interna?ionale ?i atac? dur Guvernul român ori de câte ori are ocazia.

Anul trecut, Lothrop a înfiin?at Romania One Student Club la Facultatea de ?tiin?e Politice UBB Cluj, dedicat studen?ilor care vor s? se implice în ac?iuni de voluntariat. Un video de prezentare AICI

A vrut s? privatizeze Clujana

fabrica clujanaÎn 2006, unii potenta?i locali sus?ineau vânzarea pachetului de ac?iuni (93% din capitalul social) de?inut de Consiliul Jude?ean la Clujana c?tre societatea american? New Vista Partners (NVP). Directorul de atunci al Clujana, Ioan Sabin Pop, considera posibila vânzare a fabricii c?tre NVP “o oportunitate extraordinar?”. P?rerea sa era, îns?, subiectiv?, dac? ?inem seama c? Pop este rud? prin alian?? cu fostul deputat PSD din legislature 2000-2004, Vasile Suciu, asociat al reprezentantului NVP, Donald James Lothrop într-o societatea comercial? din Cluj. Societatea se nume?te Donvas SRL, a fost înfiin?at? cu trei luni înainte de inten?ia de prelua Clujana, având afaceri imobiliare în Transilvania, Bihor ?i Oltenia. NVP nu avea o sucursala sau o societatea în România, prin care s? efectueze tranzac?ia cu CJ.

Sabin Pop a fost senator PD între anii 1998-2000, dup? care a trecut de partea PSD-ului în perioada în care cumnatul s?u, Vasile Suciu, era de partea social-democra?ilor. Între timp, Suciu a p?r?sit PSD. Tocmai consilierii jude?eni din partea PSD au fost cei care s-au opus vânz?rii Clujanei, sus?inând c? este nevoie de un audit care s? arate valoarea fabricii ?i c? aceasta trebuie privatizat? dup? ce va fi revigorat? linia de produc?ie. Spre deosebire de ace?tia, pre?edintele CJ de atunci, liberalul Marius Nicoar? considera vânzarea urgent? a fabricii absolut necesar? ?i se ar?ta extrem de încântat de oferta NVP.

Cei doi fii ai lui Suciu, prin societatea Marty Grup, au achizi?ionat, înainte de inten?ia lui Lothrop de privatizare, un activ al fabricii Clujana, în baza unui contract de închiriere cu clauz? de preem?iune încheiat pe vremea când CJ era condus de PSD.

În octombrie 2014, Don Lothrop declara pentru c? a renun?at la privatizarea Clujana, sufgerat? de un prieten, din cauza unor consilieri jude?eni: ”Primele mele 25 de c?l?torii în România au fost de caritate, apoi am decis s? înfiin?ez un fond de investi?ii (private equity aici în Transilvania ?i tot ce ?tiam era c? voi respecta legea. Un prieten (cel mai probabil Suciu – mi-a sugerat s? cump?r fabrica de pantofi Clujana ?i am spus OK. Apoi am realizat c? atunci când faci afaceri cu Statul e imposibil s? respec?i legea, pentur c? oamenii, în acest caz cei de la fabrica Clujana ?i cei de la Consiliul Jude?ean care aveau contracte s? repare instala?iile, cl?dirile, nu voiai ca cineva s? cumpere fabrica aceea pentru c? era una de?inut? de stat ?i a?a f?ceau ei bani. Ei voiau ceva, noi nu voiam s? d?m nim?nui nimic, ?i în final am decis s? folosim acest fond de investi?ii ca s? cump?r?m teren viran, sute ?i sute de parcele de la ??rani, ?i am evitat s? facem afaceri cu Guvernul; în SUA nu vreau s? am nimic de-a face cu Guvernul ?i nici aici nu vreau s? am de-a face cu el.”

Asocia?i în Bihor

Don Lothrop ?i Steven Schelhammer sunt asocia?i ?i într-o firm? din Bihor, New Vista SRL, al?turi de doi români: Liviu Simiona? ?i Adrian Dreana. Societatea are ca principal obiect de activitate ”dezvoltare imobiliar?”, dar a avut anul trecut o pierdere net? de 3,64 milioane lei. Adrian Dreana apare într-o ?tire TV ca organizator al unui eveniment în care doctori, profesori, asistente ?i membri ai unor spitale private din Statele Unite ale Americii au venit în B?ile Felix s? le vorbeasc? despre management sanitar pentru îmbun?t??irea serviciilor medicale omologilor lor din ?ar?.