The Council of Europe forced Serbia to finally solve the problem of missing babies
25 September 2016


The Council of Europe forced Serbia to finally solve the problem of missing babies

NataĊĦa Latkovi? | 25th 09. 2016-07: 35h

| Comments: 24

The law on missing babies, which insists Council of Europe, should be adopted in early October, at the next regular session of the Assembly of Serbia, 'Blic' learns.

Photo: G. Bobi? / RAS Serbia

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According to our source from the Ministry of Justice, the law is ready, it is estimated in the Council of Europe and should be more 1 October to enter parliamentary procedure.

- The procedure is such that first need to pass the government, which he then sent to the Assembly. If not for the election, would be adopted in March - said, 'Blic'.

Note from the Council of Europe

On the law of the babies who are suspected to have disappeared in maternity wards in Serbia work for years, and accelerated work on its adoption began after the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case "Zorica Jovanovic against Serbia." The Court in March 2013 ruled that Serbia must pay 10,000 euros in damages Jovanovic and to provide her with information about the fate of her infant that was missing from the hospital in Cuprija for more than 30 years.

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The Council of Europe about missing babies in Serbia

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