The boy from a foster family is given up for adoption

30 September 2016

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The boy from a foster family is given up for adoption

I wonder whether all our children are now going to the wealthier they are educating them and will either remain in their own land, says Ljiljana Radulovic, nurturant five-year boy who was taken to Sweden

Author: ?. ?uki?Friday, 30.09.2016. at 09:25

Protest at the central square in Zrenjanin (Photo ?. ?uki?)

Zrenjanin - A five-year old boy suddenly taken from a foster family, a wife in which, apart from the first three months, spent his childhood can no longer see him. She was beside himself and said he did not like everything had to happen and asks her to return the child, in which it has increasing support from citizens who start protests, some institutions require control and Zrenjanin Center for Social Work is adamant that the whole process takes place according to the laws.

Ljiljana Radulovic haunt journalists, visiting friends, and give her the greatest support parents of children with whom the boy went to kindergarten.

- I'm so embarrassed, I do not want any popularity, the only heart I want this child to be good for the whole life. He's in my family from the third month of life. I'm not nobody never concealed his biological mother, but I acted as I did. Such was my late husband. We were united family law, more than foster, one that would be ready to forgive one day than boys without which we could no longer imagine life. My husband said that the Social Welfare Centre filed a motion to adopt. Sad to say he did not do, and I can not check, because he died two years ago. In April this year I only briefly indicated that the boy could go up for adoption and it was pointed out - maybe. In last Wednesday came with an interpreter, because she was talking about Swedes that you first see it. They immediately took him a while, but he was back and so was the next day, and on Friday they took him away and told me that I will not see each other. I went to a shopping mall, since we know that there in the playroom. They told me that I should not have come. It breaks my heart, my little boy should be with people who do not understand. I can not explain. I applied for adoption and claim to be anything to give him, perhaps not expensive shoes, but the love with which he was very much pleased, I can. It's best to know the children and parents in kindergarten, but I therefore highest and support through wage talks Ljiljana Radulovic. She wonders whether all of our children are now going to the wealthier they are educating them and will either stay in their country.

From the Office of Communication of the deputies with the citizens of Zrenjanin, on the occasion of addressing fellow citizens Ljiljana Radulovic from Zrenjanin, Zrenjanin and the intervention of deputy Mirka Krli? yesterday it was announced that the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs to pay the relevant inspection of the Provincial Secretariat for social protection, which will at the Center for social work in Zrenjanin examine the legality of the process of adopting a child, that is until 23 September. 2016 was when its host Ljiljana Radulovic from Zrenjanin.

In connection with the case of the public addressed the director of Zrenjanin Centre for Social Welfare in July Bobek and stated that all activities in this, as in other cases of adoption, undertaken in the best interests of the child and protection of their rights.

- For every child it is best to grow up with their biological parents, or failing that, in its own interest to be provided with permanent residence in the new family, given that the adoption is inextricably and that it based the relationship between parents and child. Foster care is, therefore, refers to the temporary placement of the child, and adoption is in this case a permanent solution which should ensure the continuity of their education, upbringing and education in the family - says Director Bobek and stresses that the Serbian Family Act stipulates that in the process of adoption public is excluded and that the data from the records and documentation on adoption are deemed official secret, and she had been obliged to keep all participants in the proceedings where such information is available.

- Since participating in the process of adoption and foster parents and prospective adoptive parents, the obligation of confidentiality applies to them - said the director, adding that because of the obligation to keep secret the experts of the Centre can not make all information public, but they are obliged to do so and foster parents that in case of violations of the law can take foster law. July Bobek underlines that during the previous procedure complied with all legal requirements.


Protest against the decision on taking the five-year old boy from foster families began his peers and their parents yesterday afternoon at the central square in Zrenjanin. They were joined by other citizens, and together they were all sent from the Centre for Social Work, which was addressed to a number of criticisms and objections not only for this case, but also others in which, as noted, does not help citizens than violating the fundamental human rights.

- This time threatened the rights of a boy, who imposed the obligation to childhood set in an unknown environment in which will be able to use language that has just learned - it was said at the meeting at which it is requested that the Centre for Social Work does not indicate a child abroad than enable him to live in his country. For this request has so far signed a petition of more than five thousand signatories. Yesterday we heard that the boy was fraudulently derived from the house, where he lived with his wife in which he sees his mother.
