Written Question Morano about adoptions in Congo, Reply Mogherini

15 June 2016

Parliamentary questions

15 June 2016


Answer given by Vice-President Mogherini on behalf of the Commission

Although there is no EU legislation on adoption, the EU delegation in Kinshasa has and will continue to follow closely the issue regarding adoptions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The EU delegation and the EU Member States with embassies in Kinshasa have repeatedly raised this issue with the Congolese authorities. The EU Delegation sought and recently obtained meetings at ministerial level. Information indicated that, by the beginning of March this year, 600 of the children whose cases had been blocked, have been authorised to join their adoptive parents. A draft law on adoptions, which is expected to better regulate future adoptions, is due to be debated during the current parliamentary session, according to information received from the presidents of the parliamentary chamber.

EU is also monitoring the developments linked to the Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption which has been ratified by all EU Member States.

Last updated: 22 June 2016