Susan Jacobs interview about her appointment as Special Advisor on Children (because of her Romanian experience)

2 February 2015

Listen as of 00:36:45 Susan Jacobs about Romania/Hilary Clinton etc


Mark Leon Goldberg February 2, 2015

Ambassador Susan Jacobs is the Special Advisor for Children’s Issues at the State Department. In this episode, she describes her office’s work on inter-country adoptions and custody disputes — and discusses when these issues rise to the level of high diplomacy. Ambassador Jacobs has had a long and distinguished career. She discusses how she broke a big barrier in US diplomacy, becoming one of the very first married women to be allowed to join the US foreign service. She also recounts some career highlights, including a stint as ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. It’s a lively discussion with a foreign service pro. Enjoy!