After careful consideration, the DIA has decided to relocate the cooperation with Vietnam.
8 November 2017


After careful consideration, the DIA has decided to relocate the cooperation with Vietnam.

Director Jeanette Larsen pronounces the decision:

"It is not an easy decision to regret long-term cooperation, not least because we know that it is of crucial importance to the families on the waiting list for a child from that country. "

"Once we have decided to relieve the cooperation, it is because in Vietnam there is no central management of the provision of children with special needs, and because the payment of care costs for the children's homes is not regulated. This implies a risk that not all adopts are implemented on a sufficient basis and without economic recovery in mind.

"I would like to emphasize that DIA's decision is not due to specific concerns in the few adoptions that have now been implemented to Denmark."

When when any cooperation can be resumed, Director Jeanette Larsen says:

"We have had longstanding and respectful cooperation with Vietnam. We will continue to be in dialogue with the Vietnamese authorities, and of course we will follow developments in Vietnam. It is clear that resuming active mediation cooperation both requires that appropriate measures be taken to address the uncertainties currently in the adoption system, as well as resumption, requires the permission of the National Administrative Board. "

Extending phone time and holding individual calls

The DIA is aware that the decision to repatriate the dissemination from Vietnam is of major importance for the families on the waiting list.

Therefore, special preparedness has been introduced which includes extended telephone hours and the possibility of individual counseling of the affected persons.

All affected families have been offered an individual conversation with an adoption coordinator in order to talk about the options for changing the waiting list.

All affected families have also received an invitation to information meeting.

More about the background to relieve the cooperation

Prior to the decision, the DIA has been in dialogue with the National Ankestyrelsen on the dissemination from Vietnam.

You can read more about the discussions and discussions that have been held between the organizations of European cooperation, EurAdopt, and the authorities in Vietnam in DIA's letter to the National Ankestyrelse here .

You can also read the National Board of Appeal's feedback on DIA's consideration here
