Poland: The Belgians have paid money for the child

22 May 2016

The Belgians have paid money for the child


In the first half of April 2016, 7-year-old Micha?ek, whose fate moved many people in Poland, was helped by the Polish judge Ma?gorzata Franczak abducted by the Belgians, who under the pretext of family care create a private orphanage, buying children from abroad, and then on them earn.

The offenses of child abduction and child abuse, abuse of functions and failure to perform duties were committed by Belgian and Polish citizens: Anna B?o?ska with employees of the Warsaw adoption center, employees of the District Court in Opole Lubelskie, Rados?aw Pomorski, Chairman of the Family Department of this court, Ma?gorzata Franczak, Judge of the Family Department, Ewa Giza, head of the Family Department secretariat, and policemen of the District Police Headquarters in Opole Lubelskie, commandant Krzysztof Oszust, Edyta ?ur, Piotr Solis, Józef Ko?acz, and others acting deliberately and in collusion to the detriment of the abducted minor Micha?ek W. to achieve personal and non-property benefits.

In the first half of March 2016, the Free Society Association notified the police, the prosecutor's office, the minister of justice and the minister of internal affairs and administration about the prepared abduction of Micha?ek. The authorities of the Polish state predictably refused all help, deliberately leading to the abduction of the child.

Criminals are under the protection of ministerial officials. People protecting children were notified that the Belgian hijackers were paid: "the state paid in money" .

Polish children are an export commodity . The practices of trading Polish children are disclosed . The allegations of the former president of the Supreme Audit Office, member of the European Parliament Janusz Wojciechowski, which was raised in August 2015, were right: "Has the activity of family courts increased in recent years to receive children from parents (...) related to planned adoptions? abroad? ", adding:" I am afraid that it is simply about trading Polish children . " In order to issue Micha?ek, Polish civil servants recommended "quenching" his family ties .

The Association of Free Society unsuccessfully asks the authorities of the Polish state to immediately bring the child to the custody of an authorized person in his place of residence. Hope for a child's return to Poland can only be an active social commitment to protecting his rights. State officials are ready to use all means available to them to hide another kidnapping of a child from Poland and intimidate protesters.


notice about abduction and child trafficking: Development ;

official refusal to protect a child from abduction: Development ;

hunting for Polish children: Development ;

documentary film about criminal earnings on care in Germany: Develop .)