No news from the inquiry about Chile adoptions

29 August 2018

Date: 2018-08-29

No news from the inquiry about Chile adoptions

The Chilean investigation is currently under way in the media that claims that Chile's adoptions were in the 1970s and 1990s. The investigation, which has been highlighted in the media in the media today, is led by a particular judge and concerns adoptions to several countries.

The Adoption Center welcomes the investigation and is always available to the investigator. With respect for adopted adoptive families and biological parents it is very important that everything is done to clarify whether there were any irregularities or not.

No requests

Adoption Center has so far not been contacted by the investigator, either with general questions or questions about specific adoptions. The basis includes 371 adoptions from Sweden, including the issues submitted by adopted who want to know if their adoption has been granted. The investigator has not yet determined how many of these he will proceed with and actually investigate.

Adoption Center requests supervision of MFoF The

data claiming that there were errors in adoptions conveyed by the Adoption Center are of course taken very seriously. The federal board has requested from the MFoF, the Authority for Parental Rights and Parental Care, to verify whether the federation adhered to the applicable rules for adoption during the relevant period. MFoF has not yet carried out the supervision.

Adopted can seek information

MFoF made a trip to Chile this spring, in order to investigate the possibilities for adopted ones seeking their origin to access as much information as possible . The person who has been adopted during the period covered by the investigation may contact MFOF if he or she has reason to assume that his / her own adoption is affected.

Do you have questions?

You who have questions about your adoption from Chile can of course also belong to the Adoption Center's office . Many have adopted their roots for over 20 years and have contacted their biological families in Chile with the help of the Adoption Center and Chilean authorities. Adoptionscentrum has also arranged five group trips for adopted.

Read previous news articles about Chile

Article updated: 2018-08-29