Let's raise our voice together for India's voiceless children


Why This Campaign

We are failing to protect the most vulnerable children in India. The number of abandoned and orphaned children range from 25 Million to 30 Million. Yet the number of children in child care institutions (aka shelters) range from 0.25 to 0.5 Million. Out of these, the number of children available for adoption at any point is fewer than 2000.

Why is there no reconciliation for the wide chasm between 30,000,000 and 2000?

Are the children being trafficked for inhumane and illicit purposes? Are they languishing in shelters that are not even registered or not linked to adoption agencies? Why are the millions of children who we see on streets, labouring in restaurants, carrying out chores in unorganised sector not on the rolls of child care institutions or adoption agencies?

Depending on who you ask, people will give you complex answers. But here is the thing — there are clear, concrete, fixable issues that can be addressed and have been brought to light several times by the media, Supreme Court, and even the central government. Yet there is no difference made to the horrific statistics on vulnerable children.

There is only one force that can demand that we end this horrific political and bureaucratic apathy towards our country’s children – WE – The People of India.


Let’s raise our voice together on Children’s Day, 14th Nov 2018, and let our government bodies know that we want accountability and results when it comes to the most vulnerable children of our country! REGISTER HERE to get the campaign updates and material.

We will raise our voice on specific issues and asks which must be implemented immediately by various government bodies. To understand more, please read the campaign’s core message.

What We Hope To Achieve

Vulnerable children can be easily ignored by the political and bureaucratic infrastructure because children are not vote banks. Abandoned and orphaned children are especially rendered voiceless. You and I have a voice. By raising our voice together through this campaign:

we can wake up the government bodies to the reality that they cannot continue to ignore and worse, abuse vulnerable children.

we can demand that laws for protection of children are honoured and thoroughly implemented on the ground.
