Kyrgyzstan Notice: Suspension of All Adoption Service Providers

21 December 2018


Travel.State.Gov > Intercountry Adoption News and Notices > Kyrgyzstan Notice: Suspension of All Adoption Service Providers

Kyrgyzstan Notice: Suspension of All Adoption Service Providers

Last Updated: December 21, 2018

The Kyrgyz government notified the U.S. Department of State that it has suspended the accreditation of all foreign Adoption Service Providers (ASPs) operating in the country. Although the Kyrgyz Ministry of Labor and Social Development’s (MLSD) notice (see below) only cited a failure to submit post-adoption reports as the reason for the suspension and indicated that the suspension would be for 30 days, the Kyrgyz government has indicated to the Department that it has additional concerns and that the suspension could be longer, as explained below.

Following public allegations of misconduct involving certain U.S. ASPs, the MLSD has begun a thorough review of Kyrgyzstan’s laws and procedures related to intercountry adoption, which could be a lengthy process resulting in the enactment of legislation. The U.S. accrediting entity is also reviewing allegations relating to Kyrgyz adoptions.

The Department does not yet have information on how cases in process will be impacted. Prospective adoptive parents should stay in contact with their ASPs.

While the suspension is in place, the Department encourages all adoptive parents and ASPs to continue to comply with Kyrgyzstan’s post-adoption reporting requirements. Kyrgyzstan requires the submission of four post-adoption reports. The first report is due no later than seven months after the adoption is completed, and subsequent reports should be submitted at one, two, and three year intervals after the adoption is completed. After three years, reports are required as requested by the MLSD. The reports should be completed by a social worker, notarized and translated into Russian or Kyrgyz, and submitted to the MLSD with a copy to the territorial division of the MLSD where the child’s adoption took place. ASPs should notify the Kyrgyz Embassy in the United States in writing that reports have been submitted to the Ministry and to the territorial division of MLSD. Please also email a copy of the notice to

Questions regarding this announcement can be sent to

Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic

November 22, 2018

Order #80 on suspension of validity of the Certificate of Accreditation

In accordance with paragraph 20 of the “Regulation on the procedure for accreditation of representatives of foreign organizations on international adoption in the Kyrgyz Republic,” approved by the Kyrgyz Government’s Order #69 dated January 31, 2018, I order:

1. Suspend the validity of the accreditation certificate of Representative offices of the following organizations:

- America World Adoption (USA)

- World Links International Adoption Agency (USA)

- Lifeline Children’s Services (USA)

- Premier Adoptions Agency (USA)

- Child and Future Foundation (Netherlands)

- Across the World Adoption (USA)

- Children House International (USA)

2. Department on Family and Children Protection shall:

- place the information on suspension of the Certificate of Accreditation for the above mentioned organizations on the official website of the Ministry of Labor and Social development of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter the Ministry);

- notify the Representatives’ Directors of the above organizations on suspension of the Certificate of Accreditation within 5 working days with an indication of violations identified the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Kyrgyz Republic;

- resume validity period of suspended Certificates of Accreditation for Representatives of the above organizations after receiving from the Kyrgyz government agencies and Representatives of the above organizations the documents (certificates, notifications, letters, decisions) confirming the elimination of the reasons for the suspension of the Certificates of Accreditation.

3. Directors of the Representative Offices of the above organizations should eliminate the revealed violations within 1 month and notify the Ministry about results.

4. Department on documentation and administrative support shall deliver this order to the performers.

5. Control over the execution of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister Mrs. Alybaeva
