The trade in adoptions. Panorama's "scandal" cover triggers reactions from families, organizations and associations
7 February 2019

Article Panorama on file 'Panorama'

The trade in adoptions. Panorama's "scandal" cover triggers reactions from families, organizations and associations

Published the February 7, 2019

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Controversy on the Panorama survey on cash payments in adoptions. On social chain reactions of adoptive parents, institutions and family associations.

On the one hand there are those who make a shield against a cover that casts shadows over the world of adoption and, on the other, those who, bypassing the cover, reopen the debate on a shameful scourge of international adoption, demanding transparency and traceability of payments.

Selini, foster dad "The Cover is a punch in the stomach? Yes i agree. Then I read the paragraph under the feet of the baby ... nothing stinging if not the reality of things "

The investigation of Antonio Rossitto " The business of adoptions " triggers the reactions of families, institutions and family associations on an open and not yet resolved theme: cash payments.

Adoptive families and family associations denounce the practice of "some" authorized bodies to ask couples to bring cash in foreign currency, contrary to what established by the CAI guidelines on traceability and transparency of payments for the adoption procedures.

Clear reaction of Fabio Selini , adoptive parent, who interviewed by Panorama's correspondent in a post on facebook writes " As you know I'm always very respectful of the opinions of others as convinced of mine. Everything can be accused, certainly not being inconsistent when I talk about Adoptions. Perhaps up to boredom and psychosis. I hope to have highlighted my profile on several occasions even at the cost of not "make me friend" some big fish. Chissenefrega big fish !? So with extreme honesty I say mine on the umpteenth article / inquiry that tells the Adoptive world.

The Cover is a punch in the stomach

"So without further preamble, here's how I think. Is the Cover a punch in the stomach? Yes i agree. Can it hurt? Yes. Disturb? Equally as possible. A child with the price is a forcing? Yes, period. Yes, a lot. Right, wrong? Probably wrong. "Trade in Adoptions" is a tiring title to digest? I agree. Perhaps (indeed certainly) partial.

Then I read the paragraph under the feet of the child "prohibitive costs, endless expectations ...". Here I do not find anything stinging if not the reality of things that is more malevolent than a photograph. I open the newspaper and read. I try to extrapolate the fundamental concepts. I go into it.

Rossitto's investigation " The business of adoptions "

Very high economic figures are cited to adopt a child. It's false? I do not think so. Moreover, it is a shared complaint that adopting has become a family wage.

In ten years International Adoptions have dropped in a hallucinatory way. True! Data in hand there is little to discuss. Maybe we should think about how many children have never become such because of this decline. The causes? My point of view has already been expressed a thousand times and different from institutional arguments. Forward.

CAI: audits and checks

Is CAI the competent control body? Yup! Have there been a bit of trouble in the last few years derived from institutional tilt? I think so.

Do the bodies publish the costs of the procedures on their sites? Yes, I think they are obliged by CAI. There! I do not find anything "merchandise" in this (so asserts the article), but, instead, a guarantee of transparency.It then speaks of families who have turned to the banks to turn on mortgages to bear the costs. True? Yup! As for me, I have squandered my severance pay.

Ferritti: the system must be completely revised

Monya Ferriti intervenes (CARE President and CAI member) who complains about higher and higher costs "... something rich" and economic hardships of aspiring families. He says that even "... the system must be completely revised". As many know (and also Monya knows), I often do not find points of contact with his positions and yet here it is difficult to blame her.

Money in underwear and socks

Luca Chiaramella of Polaris "touches her slowly" and speaks of mistrust in the families and "money in the knickers and socks". Is this false? I have never brought money in my underwear, but do you raise your hand who has not heard similar stories from friends? Come on! The game of the three little monkeys is not valid.

Griffini: transparency and traceability of payments

Soon after comes the testimony of Griffini (a saint for some and Belfagor for others ... par condicio). It speaks of certified financial statements, the need for independent audit firms and adds "... someone behaves in a non-transparent way". How do we put it? Here are the fans and detractors and maybe it becomes difficult (for some) to be lucid. Let's go further, go.

Stories of children and families

On the next page the horror: stories of children and families. Live meat. Stories of disability, pain, travel to give birth to a dream that become a nightmare.

Are they false stories? Here too, an exercise of intellectual honesty. Raise your hand if you have not followed similar paths or heard told by other parents Ado destroyed. I do ... and not just once, damn it!

Kyrgyzstan case and CAI condemnation to compensation

Then there is the "Kyrgyzstan moment" which always fills a piece of the articles on adoptive crises; difficult to get away since everything is still in itinere.

My testimony is a few lines and does not tell anything new except the fact that I am still alive and I always think of it in the same way.

Subsequently here is the reference to the civil conviction (in the first degree) of CAI that has had to compensate a couple "Kyrgyz" for a sum of 193 thousand euros for "omegas vigilance". It's false? No, no. All true and documented.

Political disinterest and recent irregularities CAI management

The last page is dedicated to alleged political responsibilities, perhaps the least interesting part from a human and emotional point of view. But there is also this, like it or not.

Is it true that there have been Parliamentary Questions to ask for the recent CAI management? Oh yesss! Is it true that the "new" CAI has just set up a press release that spoke of "... innumerable irregularities" from the previous management? Absolutely yes, yes and still yes. The skeptics find time to find that statement on the CAI website ... and then shudder. And finally, is it true that it took years to get the refunds? And that the request for them was made only last summer for Adoptions from 2012 to 2017? Yes, damn it! The article is finished. Tell me if I wrote (me!) Something harmful, false, inaccurate.

I did not buy my children

At the end of the reading and after some friends (friends really!) I have stimulated this reflection on the article of Panorama, I want to conclude by saying mine.

Here it is. The sums for the Adoptive iter are very high. The reason why they are valid or not, but I do not have the tools to ascertain it. Certainly I care that every expense is clear, mirrored and certified. The controls on where the money goes are not up to me, I have always done my father and paid what was asked of me with good faith and sometimes received caresses and other slaps. But my face is always intact and I go with my head up like many parents Ado. I have not "bought" my children !!!

Because Ado parents do NOT buy their children and should not feel troubled by articles that tell of dark areas. Those "dark areas" do not belong to them!

To my children I say that getting to them has cost (also) economic effort, that I have not "bought" them. Eyes in the eyes, from father to son. With the authority of honesty that emanates every Adoptive parent. With the joy and gratitude of having met them.

They worry about the trafficking those (I hope few or better none) that have yielded, not the many honest ones.

We are disturbed not to be approached to "buyers of children", but of the fact that someone has made the merchant market. And in this case I know what I'm talking about!

I have lived for years in a condition of "privilege and unease". I am lucky and unlucky when it comes to "trafficking in children"; I was forced to face the issue with my daughter for years having seen what we lived in Kyrgyzstan. Daria that some time ago, after having matured and macerated within him that question, he asked me if his was an honest Adoption. Yes, it was an honest Adoption, no one bought it, used it, exploited it! This I told her with the strength that comes from honesty, the same as many other parents Ado. I really understand the need to protect our often fragile children, but I was not allowed to do so. Maybe I do not do media. Daria has experimented with Adoptive rubbish on his skin and Otavio will have to deal with this story, sooner or later.

Li I protect my kids (sons fragile as many), not so much by the newspaper articles talking, explaining and defending them (it may hurt, I understand), but the distortions that are next door and often have complicated their lives .. you thus concludes the long post of an adoptive father.