Primul pre?edinte al Funda?iei Soros scuip? unde a lins. Alin Teodorescu ?i “droga?ii” evrei, americani, unguri ?i PSD-i?ti

19 December 2016

The first president of the Soros Foundation spits where he lied. Alin Teodorescu and Jewish, American, Hungarian and PSD "drugmakers"

Alin Teodorescu, the first president of the Soros Foundation and the Social Dialogue Group (at the same time), mocked: spitting on Jews, Americans, Hungarians and PSDs. That's where he's been lying for about 30 years.

In a sad post on GDS's blog "22", Alin Teodorescu is crying on the shoulder of "Colonel Comrade" Rodica Culcer, saying: "Now you accuse me of not responding to a group of drug addicts who have a TV channel at hand and who have tried to make George Soros the culprit for all the evil of the earth. We have lived, close or remotely, such campaigns in Romania, Russia, Hungary, China and Ukraine. There will be others that I do not know directly. "

Let's note: the campaigns in Romania, Russia, Hungary, China and Ukraine, Teodorescu knows them directly. There were others but ... he did not hear about them.

Ditamai, the sociologist has not heard, as he says, of the recent campaign in the United States of America, where the elected president, Donald Trump, said that if he seizes Soros, he breaks his legs.

He has not even heard of Israel's Jewish conservatives who have unleashed George Soros as the megalomaniac who wants to destroy both Europe and the US and even the Middle East.

He did not even hear of Viktor Orban identifying Alin Teodorescu's "drugs" with ... PSD, the winners of the Romanian elections.

Nor did they hear of the fact that "TV drogae" were trained by Israeli strategists Moshe Klughaft and Sefi Shaked (photo), the first being known, according to Capital and Jerusalem Post, for his success as a strategist of Bayit Yehudi ultra-Orthodox Jews - no Capital) and the latter worked on campaigns by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Shas Party President Arye Deri.

Here is how the Social Democratic Party, the great winner of the parliamentary democratic elections in Romania and the main beneficiary of the anti-Soros campaign, is considered by the distinguished - the sociologist - a "drug junkie"!

Well, Alin Teodorescu was not exactly "Chief of Chancellor" of this group of drug addicts ... power, at the time of the dictator of alcov Adrian N?stase? Is it nice, sir, code name "The Sociologist" to spit on Americans, Jews, Hungarians and pesedists after licking them and where they did not want? And to bite the iron hand in the velvet glove that nourished and caressed you, which made you a "public utility" which gave you free of charge a patrimony building now almost destroyed by the jeg and the bargain and saved you from any state payment 27 years old? And when you think that year after year Dragnea wants to support him in media "confrontation" with "SRI interlopes" ...

Let's help Alin Teodorescu, the former Soros-GDS Chief and PSD Deputy from Braila, plus personal counselor of eunuch Adrian N?stase, to come back to reality:

Jerusalem Post: about "Soros's global chaos campaign": "The" direct democracy "movements that Soros support is nothing less than calls for mob rule. The peoples of the West need to recognize the common foundations of all Soros's actions. They need to realize that the only response to these premeditated campaigns of subversion is for the people of the West to stand up for their national rights and their individual right to security. They must, in accordance with the rule of law, ensure that their national values ??and traditions are safeguarded. "

American Color Sheriff David Clarke - Wisconsin Video Speech: "I tell you this: if Congress wants to investigate something, then it must launch an investigation into the billionaire George Soros and his attempt to influence these elections in favor of the Democrats, for example by finding people to appear at the assemblies of those who supported Trump to threaten Trump's supporters. Congress should launch an investigation against George Soros to fund post-election riots, riots that have caused material damage and have made human victims among innocent people. "

Felix T?taru, Liberal PNL strategist, interviewed by "Was there a strategy to respond to PSD attacks using the Soros and Technocrats labels?

This tactic of demonizing the technocratic government on the one hand and linking Dacian Ciolos to Soros is believed to have been a lethal one. "

Viktor Orban about Soros and the elections in Romania, in a dearest language to the "Sociologist" at

"This was a personal part of the hostile relationship, and behind it was an ideology called noble simplicity with a simple simplicity. It is not only a theory, but also an outrageous action plan. their own interests, this was the goal, and it was seen as feasible through György Soros. but Soros György. The winners and the Soros system were campaigning, as they said, and from real opponents are not fractions, but and Soros-supported NGOs, foundations. "

PS: Mr. Alin Teodorescu, it is true that, besides C?lin Anastasiu and the third co-founder of IMAS, MIRCEA KIVU, the humble servant of the interlop Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu, turned to SECURITY?

Just asking ...

Mirel Donald Orban - collaborator ZO


Primul pre?edinte al Funda?iei Soros scuip? unde a lins. Alin Teodorescu ?i “droga?ii” evrei, americani, unguri ?i PSD-i?ti


A înnebunit Alin Teodorescu, primul pre?edinte al Funda?iei Soros ?i al Grupului pentru Dialog Social (simultan): scuip? pe evrei, americani, unguri ?i PSD-i?ti. Adic? unde a tot lins de vreo 30 de ani încoace.

Sediul GDS – Ianuarie 1990. Silviu Brucan si subalternii lui Alin Teodorescu, intre care ii vedem pe Calin Anastasiu, Stelian Tanase, Gabriel Liiceanu, Gabriel Andreescu, s.a.

Sediul GDS – Ianuarie 1990. Brucan si Soros

Într-o postare trist? pe blogul “22” al GDS, Alin Teodorescu plânge pe um?rul “tovar??ei colonel” Rodica Culcer, afirmând urm?toarele n?zdr?v?nii: “Acum m? acuzi c? nu am r?spuns unui grupuscul de droga?i care au un canal de televiziune la îndemân? ?i care au încercat s? fac? din George Soros vinovatul de serviciu pentru toate relele p?mântului. Am mai tr?it, de aproape sau de la distan??, asemenea campanii în România, Rusia, Ungaria, China ?i Ucraina. Vor mai fi fost ?i altele pe care nu le cunosc direct.”

S? not?m: campaniile din România, Rusia, Ungaria, China ?i Ucraina, dl. Teodorescu le cunoa?te direct. Or mai fi fost ?i altele dar… n-a auzit de ele.

Ditamai sociologul n-a auzit, dup? cum afirm?, de recent încheiata campanie din Statele Unite ale Americii, unde pre?edintele ales, Donald Trump, a zis c? dac?-l prinde pe Soros îi rupe picioarele.

N-a auzit nici de conservatorii evrei din Israel care l-au demascat pe George Soros drept megalomanul care vrea s? distrug? ?i Europa ?i SUA ba chiar ?i Orientul Mijlociu.

N-a auzit nici de Viktor Orban care îi identific? pe “droga?ii” lui Alin Teodorescu cu… PSD, câ?tig?torii alegerilor din România.

N-a auzit nici de faptul c? “droga?ii cu televizor” au fost instrui?i de strategii israelieni Moshe Klughaft ?i Sefi Shaked (foto), primul fiind cunoscut, potrivit Capital ?i Jerusalem Post, pentru succesul s?u ca strateg al Bayit Yehudi (Casa Evreiasc?, partid al evreilor ultraortodoc?i – n.r. Capital) iar cel de-al doilea a lucrat la campanii ale premierului israelian Benjamin Netanyahu ?i ale pre?edintelui partidului Shas (partid religios ultraortodox – n.r. Capital), Arye Deri.

Iat? cum în oficiosul Grupului pentru Dialog Social, Partidul Social Democrat, marele câ?tig?tor al alegerilor democratice parlamentare din România ?i principalul beneficiar al campaniei anti-Soros, este considerat de distinsul – vorba vine – sociolog drept “un grupuscul de droga?i”!

P?i Alin Teodorescu nu a fost cumva tocmai “?ef de cancelarie” al grupului ?sta de droga?i de… putere, pe vremea dictatorului de alcov Adrian N?stase? E frumos, domnule nume de cod “Sociologul” s? scuipa?i pe americani, evrei, unguri ?i pesedi?ti dup? ce i-a?i lins ?i unde nu ?i-au dorit? ?i s? mu?ca?i mânu?a de fier în m?nu?? de catifea care v-a hr?nit ?i mângâiat, care v-a f?cut oengheul de “utilitate public?”, care v-a dat gratis o cl?dire de patrimoniu acum aproape distrus? de jeg ?i cârcium?raie ?i v-a scutit de orice plat? la stat timp de 27 de ani? ?i când te gânde?ti c? mai an îl pupa ?i pe Dragnea unde-?i dore?te sus?inându-l mediatic în “confruntarea” cu “interlopii de la SRI”…

Haide?i s?-l ajut?m pe Alin Teodorescu, fostul ?ef Soros-GDS ?i deputat PSD de Br?ila plus consilier personal al eunucului Adrian N?stase, s?-?i revin? la realitate:

Jerusalem Post: despre “campania global? de haos a lui Soros”: “The “direct democracy” movements that Soros support are nothing less than calls for mob rule. The peoples of the West need to recognize the common foundations of all Soros’s actions. They need to realize as well that the only response to these premeditated campaigns of subversion is for the people of the West to stand up for their national rights and their individual right to security. They must stand with the national institutions that guarantee that security, in accordance with the rule of the law, and uphold and defend their national values and traditions.”

?eriful american de culoare David Clarke – discurs video Wisconsin: „V? spun acest lucru: dac? Congresul vrea s? investigheze ceva, atunci trebuie s? declan?eze o investiga?ie cu privire la miliardarul George Soros ?i la încercarea acestuia de a influen?a aceste alegeri în favoarea democra?ilor, de exemplu prin g?sirea de oameni care s? apar? la adun?rile celor care l-au sprijinit pe Trump pentru a-i amenin?a pe sus?in?torii lui Trump. Congresul ar trebui s? declan?eze o investiga?ie împotriva lui George Soros pentru finan?area din partea acestuia a revoltelor de dup? alegeri, revolte care au creat pagube materiale ?i au f?cut victime umane în rândul unor oameni nevinova?i“.

Felix T?taru, strateg PNL pentru alegeri, intervievat de “A existat vreo strategie pentru a raspunde atacurilor PSD care foloseau etichetele “Soros” si “tehnocrati”?

Aceasta tactica de a demoniza guvernul tehnocrat pe de o parte si de a-l lega pe Dacian Ciolos de Soros cred ca a fost una letala.”

Viktor Orban despre Soros ?i alegerile din România, într-o limb? mai drag? “Sociologului”, la “Ez volt az ellenséges viszony személyes része, e mögött volt egy ideológia is, amit ?k nemes egyszer?séggel csak soft powernek neveznek. Ez azonban nemcsak teória, hanem egyúttal körmönfont akcióterv is. NGO-kon, alapítványokon, civil szervezeteken, médián keresztül érvényre juttatni a saját érdekeiket; ez volt a cél, és ezt Soros Györgyön keresztül látták megvalósíthatónak. Nézzétek, a most lezajlott romániai választáson magyarellenes hang – leszámítva egy-két ostoba esetet – lényegében nem volt. Erre az a magyarázat: nem a magyarok voltak a f? veszély, hanem Soros György. A gy?ztesek a Soros-rendszer ellen kampányoltak, azt mondták, az igazi ellenfél nem a töredékpártok, hanem a Soros által támogatott NGO-k, alapítványok.”

PS: Domnule Alin Teodorescu, este adev?rat c?, pe lâng? C?lin Anastasiu ?i al treilea cofondator al IMAS, MIRCEA KIVU, sluga umil? a interlopului Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu, A TURNAT LA SECURITATE?

Just asking…

Mirel Donald Orban – colaborator ZO