
2 April 2019

Press release

Are officials in the process of abolishing international adoption in Denmark?

The association Adoption & Samfund fears that this is happening!

In a recently published terms of reference for a study of an economically viable model in the adoption area, it appears that officials from the National Board of Appeal (AST) and the Ministry of Children and Social Affairs must draft proposals for a new model for international adoption.

The proposal must be formulated without any form of involvement of adopters and adopters and according to the terms of reference of the commission only with a very limited involvement of other stakeholders. The officials from AST, who primarily take decisions in appeals and in addition conduct financial and legal oversight of the Danish intermediary organization, DIA, Danish International Adoption, have absolutely no practical experience with the extremely important adoption work. This work takes place with great integrity in a close collaboration and in trusting and respectful dialogue with the countries, authorities and organizations from which the adopted children come, including with the deepest understanding of the child's origin, biological genus, etc.

The study of the adoption area was started already on January 1, 2019, long before the term of office was completed on February 26, but first communicated to the public on March 18, 2019. The study must be completed already this summer, which must be considered to be strongly forced in relationship to secure a sustainable model for international adoption to Denmark.

Adoption & Samfund is very shocked to learn that only officials have to come up with a proposal for a model without any form of involvement of adopters and adopters. After all, it is adopted, adopters and DIA who have the greatest experience and thus the competence.

We need a well-thought-out model, in which all stakeholders, including adopters and adopters, are involved. Moreover, it seems to be legally very worrying, and at best with quite predictable risks, that the same officials who will later interpret and control the area are also those who make the rules. It can be the end of international adoption to Denmark.

Adoption & Society therefore appeals to the Danish authorities to take note of the association's considerations and convene all stakeholders in the field for a dialogue meeting where the parties can contribute with their views on how we can establish a new and sustainable adoption system that has the child's best interests in paramount.

Adoption & Samfund has prepared very specific proposals, which we will share with relevant ministers, rapporteurs, committee chairmen and members as well as other politicians and stakeholders in the future.

More information:

Michael Paaske, Chairman, Adoption & Society, tel. +45 23 89 71 51,

Sanne Nyvang, 1st Vice Chairman, Adoption & Society, tel. +45 28 93 99 81,

Ina Dygaard, 2nd Vice Chairman, Adoption & Society, tel. +45 20 77 06 70,

Press release of 2 April 2019



Er embedsmænd i fuld gang med at afskaffe international adoption til Danmark?

Foreningen Adoption & Samfund frygter, at det er ved at ske!

I et netop offentliggjort kommissorium for en undersøgelse af en økonomisk bæredygtig model på adoptionsområdet fremgår det, at embedsmænd fra Ankestyrelsen (AST) og Børne- og Socialministeriet skal udforme forslag til en ny model for international adoption.

Forslaget skal formuleres uden nogen form for inddragelse af adopterede og adoptanter og efter kommissoriets ordlyd kun med en stærkt begrænset involvering af andre interessenter. Embedsmændene fra AST, der fortrinsvist træffer afgørelser i ankesager og herudover fører økonomisk og juridisk tilsyn med den danske formidlende organisation, DIA, Danish International Adoption, har absolut ingen praktisk erfaring med det særdeles vigtige adoptionsfaglige arbejde. Dette arbejde foregår med stor integritet i et tæt samarbejde og i tillidsfuld og respektfuld dialog med de lande, myndigheder og organisationer, som de adopterede børn kommer fra, herunder med den dybeste forståelse for barnets oprindelse, biologisk slægt mv.

Undersøgelsen af adoptionsområdet blev igangsat allerede den 1. januar 2019, altså længe før kommissoriet blev færdigt den 26. februar, men først kommunikeret til offentligheden den 18. marts 2019. Undersøgelsen skal afsluttes allerede til sommer, hvilket må anses for at være stærkt forceret i forhold til at sikre en bæredygtig model for international adoption til Danmark.

Adoption & Samfund er meget chokeret over at erfare, at det kun er embedsmænd, der skal komme med et forslag til en model uden nogen form for inddragelse af adopterede og adoptanter. Det er trods alt adopterede, adoptanter og DIA, der har den største erfaring og dermed kompetencen.

Vi har brug for en velgennemtænkt model, hvor samtlige interessenter, herunder adopterede og adoptanter, er inddraget. Det virker desuden juridisk stærkt betænkeligt, og i bedste fald med ganske forudsigelige risici, at de samme embedsmænd, der senere skal fortolke og kontrollere området, også er dem, der udfærdiger reglerne. Det kan blive enden på international adoption til Danmark.

Adoption & Samfund appellerer derfor til, at de danske myndigheder tager foreningens betragtninger til efterretning og indkalder samtlige interessenter på området til et dialogmøde, hvor parterne kan bidrage med deres holdninger til, hvordan vi får etableret et nyt og bæredygtigt adoptionssystem, som har barnets tarv i højsædet.

Adoption & Samfund har udarbejdet helt konkrete forslag, som vi i den kommende tid vil dele med relevante ministre, ordførere, udvalgsformænd og -medlemmer samt øvrige politikere og interessenter.

Yderligere oplysninger:

Michael Paaske, formand, Adoption & Samfund, tlf. 23 89 71 51,

Sanne Nyvang, 1. næstformand, Adoption & Samfund, tlf. 28 93 99 81,

Ina Dygaard, 2. næstformand, Adoption & Samfund, tlf. 20 77 06 70,

Pressemeddelse af 2. april 2019