Soon a bilateral agreement with Italy. Ai.Bi. among the seven bodies authorized to operate (Congo)
June 2019

Soon a bilateral agreement with Italy. Ai.Bi. among the seven bodies authorized to operate

On the African front, there is new good news on the subject of international adoptions. Last Thursday, in fact, the vice president of the CAI - International Adoptions Commission , Dr. Laura Laera , met a delegation composed of senior ministerial officials from the Democratic Republic of the Congo . This is reported by the CAI website. The meeting would take place to resume "the collaboration interrupted in recent years due to the blockade of adoptions imposed by the African State".

The meeting was also attended by commissioners Guerrieri (representative of family associations) and Bardini (representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in addition to representatives of the bodies authorized to operate in the Congo. As explained by the head of the delegation, Andre Kalenga Ka Ngoy , director of the Cabinet of the Congolese Minister of Justice , international adoptions in the country are suspended pending the implementation of the application of the new Family Code issued in 2016 , in which the setting up of a public body that oversees the sector exclusively.

The new state body will be inspired by the principles of the Hague Convention, making the adoption process more transparent. The times of realization of this new structure should, according to what expressed by the Congolese delegation, be brief. The Democratic Republic of the Congo will soon receive a first draft of the bilateral agreement that Italy would like to sign to launch a renewed collaboration between the two countries.

At the end of the meeting with the CAI, the delegation then went to the offices of the authorized bodies to meet some families. Among the seven bodies authorized to operate in the Democratic Republic of the Congo there is also Ai.Bi. - Amici dei Bambini, which has its own Kinshasa headquartersand met the delegation on Saturday 8 June.

During the meeting the activities of Ai.Bi. and then there was a meeting with some adoptive families of Congolese children and others with a connection via Skype. The delegation has shown particular appreciation for the degree of insertion both at school and social level of "their" children.
