The Rights of the Child in a Globalized World
17 November 2017

The Rights of the Child in a Globalized World

Conference at Duke Law School, Friday, November 17, 2017
Sponsored by Duke Law School and Center for Adoption Policy


Friday, November 17, 2017
8:00-8:30 a.m.  Continental breakfast
8:30-8:45 a.m.  Introductory Remarks

Professor Kathryn W. BradleyDuke Law School


Professor Diane B. Kunz and Ms. Ann N. ReeseCo-Executive Directors, Center for Adoption Policy


Senior Associate Dean Guy CharlesDuke Law School

8:45-9:30 a.m.  Keynote Address

Speaker:     Senator Mary L. LandrieuFormer U.S. Senator (D.

9:30-10:45 a.m. Panel I:  Human Rights Conventions and Family Creation
  This panel will explore the evolution of the concept of the right to a family from the Declaration of Human Rights, through the Convention on the Rights of Children, to the European Human Rights Convention, and will consider the nexus between adoption and a child's right to a family.
   Moderator:   Professor, Katharine T. BartlettDuke Law School 

 Panelists:    Professor Paulo BarrozoBoston College                                                   Law School


Professor Sara DillonSuffolk University College of Law


Shannon Minter, Esq., Legal Director, National Center for Lesbian Rights


Professor Kathryn WhettenSanford School of Public Policy

10:45 – 11:00 a.m. Break
11:00 - 12:15 p.m. Panel II:  U.S. and International Law and Adoption
  This panel will discuss the interrelationship between the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption, the Intercountry Adoption Act, and proposed changes to the statutory and regulatory structure.
  Moderator:   Professor Kathryn W. BradleyDuke Law School

Panelists:    Professor Elizabeth BartholetHarvard Law School


Professor Joan Hollinger, Berkeley Law School


Emily Dudak Taylor, Esq., Vice President, Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys

12:15-1:15 p.m. Lunch with Speaker

Dr. Kate Murray, Co-Director of Post-Adoption Support Services, Duke Center for Child and Family Health

1:15-2:30 p.m. Panel III:  The Government Perspective
  This panel will consist of U.S. government representatives who will discuss the DOS/USCIS intercountry adoption regime as it currently exists.
  Moderator and Speaker: Ambassador Michele Thoren Bond, Former
                        Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs, U.S.
                       Department of State
  Panelists:      Trish Maskew, Esq., Chief of the Adoption Division, U.S.
                       Department of State

Carrie A. Rankin, Esq., Branch Chief for Children's Issues and Parole Policy, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

                        Amy Bourne, Section Chief of the Adoption Division,                                 National Benefits Center
2:30-2:45 p.m. Break
2:45-4:00 p.m. Panel IV:  Assisted Reproductive Technology At Home and Abroad
  This panel will examine the growth and restriction of international ART as well as the current move toward a Hague Convention on ART, focusing on the child’s interests rather than those of the intended parents or the surrogate.  Among other questions, it will explore whether a child should be the subject of a contract and whether intended parents should be required to satisfy requirements of adoption such as a homestudy and background checks.
  Moderator:   Professor Doriane L. ColemanDuke Law School

Panelists:     Melissa Brisman, Esq.


Professor Naomi CahnGeorge Washington University Law School


Professor Yasmin ErgasColumbia School of International and Public Affairs

4:00-5:15 p.m. Panel V:  Stakeholder Citizenship and Children
  The panel will discuss the growing movement toward a human right to citizenship and how it would affect children, including the concept of birth citizenship and “natural born.”  It will also examine the relationship between the legal rights of adopted children, the legal status of children of surrogates, and the current issues surrounding refugees and undocumented immigrants.
  Moderator:   Professor Aya Fujimura-FanselowDuke Law School
  Panelists:    Dan H. Berger, Esq.

Professor DeLeith Duke GossettTexas Tech School of Law


Professor Marcia Yablon-ZugUniversity of South Carolina School of Law