ICAV Mirjam Bina de Boer - International Representative

26 June 2019

Bina is an Indian intercountry adoptee residing in the Netherlands. She has been active in the field of adoption since 2005. She began as a volunteer chairperson at Wereldkindern in the northern Netherlands region. She attempted to give intercountry adoptees a voice in a world where adoption organizations (agencies) and adoptive parents usually speak for adoptees.

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In January 2015, she co-founded and currently co-administers DNA India Adoptees which is a Facebook community with more than 425 Indian adoptees from the Netherlands, Belgium, and other parts of the world. This is a platform for and by Indian adoptees where they share opinions, ask questions, discuss Indian culture, DNA testing, roots and searching, etc. Since 2018, Bina was invited and has represented DNA India Adoptees several times to discuss relevant issues with the Dutch government.

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Bina is a Senior team manager with an educational background of applied psychology, NLP and Systemic work. Recently, Bina began her own practice Bina Coaching and is also part of the Adoption and Foster Coaching (AFC) network founded by Hilbrand Westra. AFC is an organization of adopted adoption coaches with the aim to support mature adopters who need pre-adoption care. Bina does all this alongside her professional work as an Operational Manager at the Dutch Tax office.
