Subject: Illegal foster care of children: the Bibbiano case

12 August 2019

In June 2019, the ‘Angels and Demons’ investigation was made public. The case concerns the unlawful placing of children into foster care by the municipality of Bibbiano, province of Reggio Emilia.

The social services network of Val D’Enza, in the province of Reggio Emilia, is accused of having drawn up, for years, fake reports in order to remove children from their families and place them in paid foster care. The extremely grave abuse and violence allegations include the administration of electrical impulses to children to alter the state of their memory prior to court interviews, in order to induce fake memories of sexual abuse.

Those under investigation include the mayor of the Municipality of Bibbiano, politicians, doctors, social workers, self-employed professionals, psychologists and psychotherapists from a non-profit organisation in Turin.

Foster care is not a system for permanently separating family units, but is a temporary aid measure for children in difficult situations and is supposed to ensure that relations are maintained with their real families. The Italian Government has taken prompt action to shed light on the events which have taken place in Bibbiano.

Can the Commission therefore say:

1. Whether it is aware of this situation;

2. Whether there have been any similar cases in other Member States;

3. How it intends to monitor the foster care, children’s home and adoption systems in Europe, with a view to protecting children?
