Reactivation of the India-Australia intercountry adoption program

1 April 2019

April 2019

Reactivation of the India-Australia intercountry adoption program

Australia is reactivating the India-Australia intercountry adoption program using a careful, staged approach.

During the initial stage of the reactivation, two jurisdictions – Queensland and Northern Territory (NT) – will be assessing a small number of people and forwarding files of suitable applicants to the Indian adoption authority for consideration and action.

The remaining state and territory governments will monitor processes and be guided by key learnings before determining their future involvement.

A staged approach will allow all Australian governments to closely monitor the initial cases and build our understanding of the new safeguards and standards introduced in India’s revised intercountry adoption program. This approach will help the reactivated program to operate as smoothly as possible.

Interested parties living in Queensland and NT can contact their central authority for further information or to express their interest in the India program:

The Queensland Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women can be contacted by phoning either 07 3097 5100 or 1800 647 983 (Queensland only) or by emailing

The NT Territory Families Adoption Unit by phoning 08 8922 5519 or by emailing

August 2018

Reactivation of the India-Australia intercountry adoption program

At this stage, it is not yet possible to send adoption applications to India. More information will be available soon.

The Assistant Minister for Children and Families, the Hon Dr David Gillespie MP, committed to writing to State and Territory Ministers to advise of his decision to reactivate the India?Australia intercountry adoption program on a small scale.

Any reactivated program will be introduced carefully and slowly, so that Australian authorities can closely monitor the program and ensure that safeguards are operating effectively.

It is the decision of individual Australian states and territories whether to facilitate adoptions from a particular country, and states and territories need time to consider their level of involvement in a reactivated program.
