Kids sent to 'hostel' by mom taken for adoption

24 November 2019

Bhopal: A few days after the case of a special adoption agency (SAA) where a six-year-old boy was made legally free for

adoption even when his biological parents were alive, another similar case relating to the same SAA has come to light.

Two children, aged 4 and 6, from Betul were declared legally free for adoption and were about to undergo the process of preadoption when their biological mother, who lives in Bhopal, went to the office of the Child Welfare Committee, demanding her

children back. The Madhya Pradesh Protection of Child Rights Commission (MPPCRC) and CWC suspect a case of child

trafficking. The MPPCRC has taken cognizance of the matter and sent a letter to the District Child Protection Unit to inquire into

the details of the case.

According to sources, the mother of the two children lives in Bhopal with another woman who offered to take her children to an

educational hostel so that they can study properly. The mother, convinced that her children will have a better future, agreed to

send the children with the woman.

The woman took the children to the city Childline in January, who then produced them before the CWC. The CWC ordered the

children to be sent to the SAA and told the authorities to search for their parents. After the SAA declared that the parents of the

children were not found, the two were declared legally free and were about to undergo the process of pre-adoption with a

foreign couple, sources told TOI.

“This is a very serious issue hinting at child-trafficking going on in the state in the name of sending children to educational

hostels. We have written to DCPU to provide us with the details of the case so that a proper inquiry can be done. Besides,

when the minister for women and child development said that children of MP will not be sent to other countries a few days ago,

why were the children being adopted by a foreign couple?” said Brijesh Chouhan, member of MPPCRC.

The CWC has written a letter to the SAA to get the process of pre-adoption stopped from court as the mother of the children is

alive. The members of the CWC are also planning to write to the police to investigate the case and find out the background of

the woman who brought the children to Childline.

“The lady who took the children to Childline seems suspicious as per the statement of mother of the children in the CWC office.

We now doubt that there is a gang which traffics children after fooling the uneducated parents,” said Kripashankar Choubey,

member of CWC.

The CWC is also planning to take the state police's help to find out the background of the woman. The court is now cancelling

the pre-adoption process of the children.
