Do we have a Prime Minister who will not comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the ECHR?
Do we have a Prime Minister who will not comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the ECHR?
Editor Søren Malchow Jan 01, 18:09 pm Views: 573
The speech was viewed with excitement, as the Social Democracy has previously been planning to place 50,000 children and young people against the approximately 14,400 children and young people placed today. Shortly before the Prime Minister's speech, she posted an update on Facebook that she wanted to talk about the children.
Unfortunately, there was a speech that could be remembered for the Prime Minister of Denmark not wanting to comply with both the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the European Convention on Human Rights, Article 8, that children should not be separated from their families.
In her speech, she pointed out that more children need to be placed very early, as they want to be better placed to break their patterns.
If this happens, it could have terrible consequences for families with children with disabilities. Many children with disabilities are only discovered when they become autistic and ADHD for some years.
This is why you can cause a lot of harm to children by placing them, and then both the child and the family fail. Instead, families should be given better help. The same applies to schools that they must be better at understanding the child's disability.
We look at the caseworker's presumptive decisions as there are many of every day in today's Denmark, where decisions are made on presumptions where you do not understand the child's disability.
Therefore, there is a need for a completely different case management method in the case processing than what is happening today with ICS.
If we assume that 50,000 children and young people will be placed, then it will cost society about DKK 156 billion compared to the 45 billion it costs with the approximately 14,400 placed children and young people today.
This will mean that Danish society will be able to go bankrupt if so many placements are made. But with 50,000 placements it will also mean that many more people will be employed in what many call the placement industry.
Kristian Thulesen Dahl said afterwards the speech is about giving better help to the families, whereas both Conservatives Søren Pape Poulsen and Left's new chairman Jacob Ellemann Jensen are in favor of more pledges.
Lawyer asks if the Prime Minister forgets human rights
In a post on Facebook, Lars Buurgaard Sørensen asks if the Prime Minister forgets human rights and the biological family ??
Mette F. will forcibly remove more children. She will hardly do that if she wants to at the same time respect Denmark's international obligations !!
I have had the pleasure of helping parents in both the cases that the Supreme Court - as the only cases at all on adoption - have assessed.
The Supreme Court states that adoption can only take place in exceptional cases and as an exception. Reference is made to the case of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg
And in the autumn, Strasbourg has tightened practices in a case brought against Norway, where a mother received compensation in connection with a forced abortion because Norway had not done enough to expand the relationship between her and the child and because Norway had not kept up with the mother's positive development as parents.
So this is definitely not a roof even legally legal. The right to family life under Article 8 of the Human Rights Convention must be respected for both children and parents.
That does not change, however, because this is evidently - judging by the New Year's speech - far more than the climate crisis and the economy.
So parents who have children placed should, to that extent, seek the advice of lawyers with experience in the field, whether the placement is voluntary or decided by coercion - and before a placement occurs.
Many Social Democrats are cheering on multiple pleas
At the Prime Minister's announcement that she wants to talk about the children, many Social Democrats cheer for more children to be placed. However, they know of the many studies that placement becomes more frequent on long-term cash assistance and homeless, many go down with PTSD when placed.
Children taken from their biofamily origin are harmed in their physical brain development, as a university in the United States has found.
We can only recommend from HandicapBarn.dks that better help is provided to families but also that schools come to better understand the children's special needs, as many submissions are made on presumptions based on presumptions made by schools that do not understand the child's special needs and believe since it is the parents with whom it is wrong.