International adoptions. For the benefit of the uninformed journalists, here is how the authorities of the Democratic Republic..
16 November 2017

International adoptions. For the benefit of the uninformed journalists, here is how the authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Italy have followed and verified the adoption procedures of Italian couples

Adoptions in the Democratic Republic of Congo return to being debated topic on the web. These days, in fact, some blog is back on the issue of international adoptions in the African country, the protagonists of a block started September 25, 2013 by decision of the local General Directorate of Migration (DGM) and ended only in late 2015 , when a special Inter-ministerial Commission, mandated to review all pending cases, after finishing its verification work, has given the green light for the granting of exit permits from the country by the DGM for children adopted by foreign families.Among the pending cases, many were related to Italian couples , whose dossier turned out all approved by the Interministerial Commission , composed of representatives of all Congolese ministries involved in intercountry adoption procedures. Therefore the children of the Democratic Republic of Congo adopted by families in our country could finally leave for Italy in full regularity and compliance with the laws of their country of origin.

However, some journalists, obviously poorly informed about the adoption procedures in force in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, continue to describe the African country as a land of "Wild West" where to lord it isthe legislative confusion and the absence of any controls by the authorities administrative and judicial.

For the benefit of those who think that the Democratic Republic of Congo is a kind of state without laws, we describe how to take place the steps leading to the adoption of a minor.

Each time you find an abandoned child, the social services of the reference Hall first issue the certificate of provisional custody and place the child with a foster family or an institution. The confirmation of this measure should arrive within 5 days of the Juvenile Court . Then it's up to the same Social Services noted the status of the child abandonment, by issuing the relevant certificate. It is at this point that the reception facilities reporting the minor for adoption to an authorized organization to operate in Congolese territory. At the same time, these institutions also receive information on the child and its abandonment certificate. Then the competent Juvenile Court to give the judgment of birth.

To supervise the whole process of international adoption is the Juvenile Court, before which the Trusteeship Council must give consent to the adoption itself. At the initial hearing, it is precisely the Court to verify that they were all the conditions for the adoption of the child. After verification, the same Court issues the adoption judgment becomes final after 30 days. Only after this ruling, the civil officer may issue the act of adoption and update the birth certificate of the child.

All procedures must be verified by the Inter-Ministerial Commission, which is based in Kinshasa, composed of representatives of the ministries of Interior, Justice, Foreign Affairs and of Gender, Family and Child.The Foreign Ministry, in particular, must also certify that the adopted child can get the Congolese passport.

The documentation of each adoption is then sent to the International Adoptions Committee which closely monitors the compliance with the rules of the Convention de L 'Aja of 1993 (which expressly prohibits the trafficking of minors), and emits authorize the entry and permanent residence in Italy the adopted child.

Completed these steps it requires a visa for entry into the host country, issued by the relevant embassy in Kinshasa.Finally Dgm grants adopted children exit permits from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

As is evident, therefore, every step of the procedure involves the intervention and the control of government agencies that oversee the regularity of the work carried out by everyone involved. Action is all the more effective because, in the succession of the various stage in the process, the authorities involved are many and different, allowing a cross-check .

Well, for all Congolese children adopted in Italy were followed these procedures , duly verified by the Interministerial Commission.

Now, the very fact that all Congolese children adopted by Italian couples have left their country of origin to join their adoptive families in Italy means that Cai has certificate for each adopted child in the African country compliance with the rules of the Convention ' Hague of 1993 .

To assert, therefore, that there would be irregularities equivalent to saying that the sums authorities - both Italian and Congolese - they would have kept quiet or endorsed. But this seems a very strange when you consider the fact that the adoption procedures in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been subject to additional and special verificationbetween 22 November 2015 and the first months of 2016, by a special Inter-Ministerial Commission at the Ministry of Congolese interior. Committee whose constitution Italy would have a decisive role, as stated by the Vice President Cai Silvia Della Monica during his hearing in the House Judiciary Committee of Deputies on 12 October.

If someone or even some Italian institution, therefore, does not believe as certified by the Congolese authorities, one of two things: either the foreign authorities exist and are recognized as valid or are being challenged all adoptions made in this country.
