Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Armenia – TA project

21 February 2018

To support the Government of Armenia in advancing its human rights agenda and meeting the commitments vis-à-vis International Human Rights Instruments, the project aims to enhance human rights protection in the country, through formulation and implementation of inclusive policies, monitoring mechanisms and strengthened implementation capacity of the key national actors.

The Project is aligned with the targets of the Human Rights (HR) Budget Support Programme of the European Union (EU) and focuses on such priority areas as human rights monitoring and evaluation, prohibition of torture and ill-treatment, anti-discrimination, gender - based violence and child rights.

The project is funded by the EU and is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Actions in Brief

The Project actions are designed to:

Strengthen effective coordination role and capacity of the RA Ministry of Justice for establishment of effective implementation mechanisms, benchmarking, monitoring and evaluation framework for the Human Rights Action Plan and International Human Rights commitments.

Enhance capacity of the respective stakeholders to prevent torture and ill-treatment, through improved investigation and enforcement techniques, legislative amendments, tailored trainings and civil society oversight.

Promote anti-discrimination through advocacy, support in development of legal framework, public awareness campaigns and capacity development for implementation of legal provisions.

Promote establishment of effective gender equality mechanisms and protection of victims of domestic/gender-based violence (GBV) and abuse through increased awareness, capacity building of relevant stakeholders and strengthened coordination for multi-sectoral response to address GBV.

Strengthening child protection system through improved legislative framework to regulate community based support centres, capacity development of service providers as well as strengthening child rights monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.

Duration: 02/08/2017 – 31/10/2019 (27 months)

Total Project Budget: EUR 961,750.85

EU Contribution: EUR 749,910.00

Location: Republic of Armenia

Implementing Partners: UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF