Adoption, it is also an option to adopt a child
If you do not succeed in becoming a parent, either naturally or through articial
insemination , you may be considering adopting a child. An adoption must always be
in the best interests of the child. And when you adopt a child, it means that you adopt
the child just like your own child, that you have full custody of the child and the same
rights and duties that biological parents have.
Who can adopt?
You can be approved as an adopter both as a single person and as a couple.
There are two ways to adopt, namely foreign adoption and known adoption. Known
adoption will typically be the adoption of a stepchild or a family member, eg smaller
siblings, grandchildren, nieces / nephews etc. Where alien adoption means adopting a
child you do not know in advance.
If you want to adopt a child you do not know in advance, you must be approved rst.
There are a number of requirements for the approval, including:
If you are applying as a couple, you must have lived together for at least 2 1/2 years
when applying.
You must not be more than 42 years older than the child, you must have orderly
housing conditions and nancial framework. One must be in a physical and mental
state that accommodates that the adoption must be in the best interests of the
Furthermore, one must not have criminal relationships that are incompatible with
the adoption.
You must be over 25 years old.
You must have suitable housing conditions and a suitable nancial framework to
be able to raise a child.
How do we get started?
Adoption takes place in 4 phases.
Phase 1
If you want to adopt a child, you must start by contacting the Family Court. You must
make an application under which you provide information about your age, health,
cohabitation / marriage, housing conditions, nances and criminal conditions.
Phase 2
Once your application has been approved, you must participate in an adoption
preparation course.
When the course has been completed, you must register with an organization that
mediates the adoption itself.
If you want to adopt a child from Denmark (national adoption), you must register
with the Adoption Board.
If you want to adopt a child from abroad (international adoption), you must register
with Danish International Adoption.
Phase 3
Once you have completed the adoption preparation course and have signed up for
one of the adoption mediation organizations, you must have one or more
conversations and a home visit with a caseworker. On the basis of the interviews, an
individual assessment is made, which forms the basis for the nal approval.
Once you have been nally approved, you can be placed on a waiting list.
Phase 4
Phase 4 consists of mandatory counseling just before the adoption and in the time
after the adoption.
How long is the waiting time for
The waiting time to adopt a child varies greatly, depending on which country you want
to adopt from, as well as the individual specic approvals you have.
At the adoption mediation organizations, you can get an estimate of the current
waiting time.
What does it cost to adopt?
In the case of national adoptions, you must pay for travel and subsistence expenses in
connection with the adoption. No grants are awarded for national adoptions.
In the case of international adoptions, a fee must be paid to the adoption mediation
organization. The total fee is currently between approx. DKK 150,000 - DKK 300,000.
However, this amount can vary and depends on which country you want to adopt
from. In addition, there are any travel expenses.
A subsidy of approx. DKK 50,000 for international adoptions.
For both national and international adoptions, you pay for various health certicates
and for the adoption preparation course, which costs DKK 2,500.
Hvis det ikke lykkes jer at blive forældre hverken på naturlig vis eller ved hjælp af
kunstig befrugtning, overvejer I måske muligheden for at adoptere et barn. En
adoption skal altid være det bedste for barnet. Og når man adopterer et barn, så
betyder det, at man tager barnet til sig helt som sit eget barn, at man har fuld
forældremyndighed over barnet og de samme rettigheder og pligter, som biologiske
forældre har.
Hvem kan adoptere?
Man kan blive godkendt som adoptant både som enlig og som par.
Der ndes to måder at adoptere på, nemlig fremmed-adoption og kendt adoption.
Kendt adoption vil typisk være adoption at et stedbarn eller et familiemedlem fx
mindre søskende, barnebarn, niee / nevø mm. Hvor fremmed-adoption vil sige, at man
adopterer et barn, man ikke kender på forhånd.
Hvis I ønsker at adoptere et barn, I ikke kender på forhånd, så skal I godkendes først.
Der er en række krav til godkendelsen, blandt andet:
Hvis man ansøger som par, skal man have levet sammen i mindst 2 1/2 år, når
man ansøger.
Man må ikke være mere end 42 år ældre end barnet, man skal have ordnede
boligforhold og økonomiske rammer. Man skal være i en fysisk og psykisk tilstand,
som tilgodeser, at adoptionen skal være til barnets bedste.
Yderligere man må ikke have straffeforhold, der er uforenelige med adoptionen.
Man skal som udgangspunkt være over 25 år.
Man skal have egnede boligforhold og egnede økonomiske rammer til at kunne
opfostre et barn.
Hvordan kommer vi igang?
Adoption foregår i 4 faser.
Fase 1
Hvis man gerne vil adoptere et barn, skal man starte med at kontakte
Familieretshuset. Man skal lave en ansøgning hvorunder man oplyser om sin alder,
helbred, samliv/ægteskab, boligforhold, økonomi og strafforhold.
Fase 2
Når jeres ansøgning er godkendt, skal I deltage i et adoptionsforberende kursus.
Når kurset er gennemført skal i tilmelde jer en organisation, som formidler selve
Hvis I ønsker at adoptere et barn fra Danmark (national adoption) skal I tilmelde jer
Ønsker I at adoptere et barn fra udlandet (international adoption) skal I tilmelde jer
Danish International Adoption.
Fase 3
Når I har gennemført det adoptionsforberende kursus og har tilmeldt jer en af de
adoptionsformidlende organisationer, skal I have en eller ere samtaler og et
hjemmebesøg med en sagsbehandler. På baggrund af samtalerne bliver der foretaget
en individuel vurdering, som ligger til grund for den endelige godkendelse.
Når I er blevet endeligt godkendt, kan I komme på venteliste.
Fase 4
Fase 4 består af obligatorisk rådgiving lige inden adoptionen samt i tiden efter
Hvor lang er ventetiden på adoption?
Ventetiden på at adoptere et barn varierer meget, afhængigt af hvilket land, man
ønsker at adoptere fra, samt af de enkelte konkrete godkendelser man har.
Hos de adoptionsformidlende organisationer kan man få et estimat over den aktuelle
Hvad koster det at adoptere?
Ved nationale adoptioner skal man selv betale for rejse- og opholdsudgifter i
forbindelse med adoptionen. Der ydes ingen tilskud ved nationale adoptioner.
Ved internationale adoptioner skal der betales et gebyr til den adoptionsformidlende
organisation. Det samlede gebyr ligger for tiden mellem ca. 150.000 kr – 300.000 kr.
Dette beløb kan dog variere og er afhængigt af hvilket land, man ønsker at adoptere
fra. Herudover kommer eventuelle rejseudgifter.
Der ydes et tilskud fra staten på ca. 50.000 kr til internationale adoptioner
Ved både nationale og internationale adoptioner betaler man selv for diverse
helbredsattester samt for det adoptionsforberende kursus, der koster 2.500 kr