The improvement of the adoption law was voted unanimously by the Parliament: shortening and facilitating the road from abandoned

12 November 2020

The Romanian Parliament adopted today, November 3, 2020, by unanimous vote (270 votes in favor) fundamental improvements to law 273/2004 on the adoption procedure, changes long debated but also expected by the approximately 50,000 children in the child protection system but and future adoptive parents. "I confess that the desperate requests I received from my parents in search of the child to love and protect are the ones that motivated me to get involved in the last two years, two long years, in debating and completing the law adoption. Starting from a very good project, initiated by the PSD Government in September 2018, I debated the law with the civil society both in Bra?ov, on November 2, 2018 but also in Bucharest, in June 2019. Then, I worked, together with Oana Bîzgan, for other parliamentary colleagues, to a series of amendments that I supported and that are found in the law voted today. We want the law voted today to mean a much shorter stay of children in the child protection system and a much faster integration of them in the family, where they have to live and grow. " - said the PSD deputy, Roxana Mînzatu. Among the beneficial legal provisions adopted today by the Chamber of Deputies are: - The extension from 2 years to 5 years of the validity of the certificate of adoptive family.The certificates valid on the date of entry into force of this law extend their validity until the fulfillment of the term of 5 years from the date of their issuance. - A child may be declared adoptable without the consent of relatives up to the fourth degree; extended family relatives remain among the categories with priority in the placement of the child and then match for adoption of the child, if desired. - A child will be able to be declared adoptable more quickly by shortening the time limits in which natural parents over the age of 18 declare in writing that they give up caring for the child and in which they can return to the initial declaration - In the case of siblings the special protection system, which are protected in the administrative-territorial area of ??the same directorate, is appointed by the same case manager. Also, adoptive parents who have already adopted a sibling also gain priority in matching the other siblings in the child protection system. - The application for approval of the adoption is simplified by eliminating the obligation to legalize the documents at the notary - they will be certified by each DGASPC. - Children declared adoptable will be able to benefit from the chance in a family even after reaching the age of 14, remaining adoptable until adulthood. - The definition of persons with whom the child enjoyed family life and who have priority in the matching procedure with the adoptable child / children is extended. -The accommodation allowance and allowances that adoptive parents receive are aligned with the benefits enjoyed by any biological parent - for example, the allowance of 85% of the average net income of the adoptive parent in the last 12 months of the last 2 years prior to the decision. entrusted courts for adoption. - Clearly and strictly condition those exceptional situations, not imputable (with evidence) in which the natural parents no longer agree with the adoption and request the review against a court decision to open the adoption procedure - Simplify post-adoption monitoring. For example, post-adoption monitoring is not performed in the case of internal adoption of the child by the spouse of the natural or adoptive parent or by the child's relatives, nor in the case of adoption of the child by his guardian or by persons / families who had the child at least 2 years. - The obligation for the director of DGASPC to control, on a quarterly basis, the way in which each case manager carries out his activity for the benefit of the children he cares for is introduced. - The internal adoption of children who are difficult to adopt is stimulated by providing financial incentives (which are granted after the adoption sentence and until the adoption of the adopted child or up to the age of 26 if they continue their studies); I reproduce below the text of the law: “(1) The adopter or the adoptive family benefits, from a support allowance, related to the reference social indicator, in the amount of 1.20 SRI, for each child who, at the date of finality of the approval court decision of adoption, is in one of the following situations: a) is between 3 and 6 years old; b) is classified as having a mild or medium disability; c) is part of a group of 2 brothers who can be adopted together.(2) The amount of the indemnity is increased by 50% in case the child is in one of the following situations at the date of the final decision of the court approving the adoption: a) he / she is 7 years old; b) is classified as severely or severely disabled, infected with HIV or AIDS; c) is part of a group of at least 3 brothers adoptable together. (3) If the adopted child meets two of the conditions provided in paragraph (1) or (2), the amount of the support allowance shall be increased by 75%. (4) In the situation where the adopted child meets cumulatively all the conditions provided in paragraph (1) or those provided in paragraph. (2), the amount of the support allowance shall be increased by 100%. " - Fixed annual sums of money are provided to support the medical recovery expenses necessary for the adopted child - Parents are also helped to adopt children from a geographical area other than the one where they reside, by settling expenses of the adoptive parents with the practical matching visit. Currently, about 50,000 children live in the child protection system, according to official data released by the Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children and Adoptions. In 2017, just over 3,000 people had the necessary certificate for adoption and just over 1,000 people adopted children. The law voted today (PLX 736/2018) is meant to contribute, through its application, to the significant increase of domestic adoption, after it will be promulgated by the President of Romania. Roxana Mînzatu PSD Deputy Bra?ov November 3, 2020


Parlamentul României a adoptat azi, 3 noiembrie 2020, cu unanimitate de voturi (270 voturi pentru) îmbun?t??iri fundamentale la legea 273/2004 privind procedura adop?iei, modific?ri îndelung dezb?tute dar ?i a?teptate de cei circa 50 000 de copii din sistemul de protec?ie a copilului dar ?i de viitori p?rin?i adoptivi. ”M?rturisesc c? solicit?rile disperate pe care le-am primit de la p?rin?i în c?utarea copilului pe care s? îl iubeasc? ?i s? îl ocroteasc? sunt cele care m-au motivat s? m? implic în ultimii doi ani, doi ani lungi, în dezbaterea ?i completarea legii adop?iei. Pornind de la un proiect foarte bun, ini?iat de Guvernul PSD în septembrie 2018, am dezb?tut legea cu societatea civil? atât la Bra?ov, în 2 noiembrie 2018 dar ?i la Bucure?ti, în iunie 2019. Apoi, am lucrat, al?turi de Oana Bîzgan, de al?i colegi parlamentari, la o serie de amendamente pe care le-am sus?inut ?i care se reg?sesc în legea votat? azi. Ne dorim ca legea votat? azi s? însemne o ?edere mult mai scurt? a copiilor în sistemul de protec?ie a copilului ?i o integrare mult mai rapid? a acestora în familie, acolo unde trebuie s? traiasc? ?i s? creasc?.” – a declarat deputatul PSD, Roxana Mînzatu. Printre prevederile legale benefice adoptate, azi, de Camera Deputa?ilor, se num?r?: - Prelungirea de la 2 ani la 5 ani a valabilit??ii atestatului de familie adoptatoare. Atestatele valabile la data intr?rii în vigoare a prezentei legi î?i prelungesc valabilitatea pân? la împlinirea termenului de 5 ani de la data eliber?rii acestora. - Un copil va putea fi declarat adoptabil f?r? a mai fi cerut acordul rudelor de pân? la gradul IV; rudele din familia extins? râmân printre categoriile cu prioritate la luarea în plasament al copilului ?i, apoi, potrivire în vederea adop?iei copilului, dac? doresc. - Un copil va putea fi declarat ca adoptabil mai rapid prin scurtarea termenelor în care p?rin?ii fire?ti cu vârsta peste 18 ani declar? în scris c? renun?? s? se ocupe de cre?terea ?i îngrijirea copilului ?i în care pot s? revin? asupra declara?iei ini?iale - În cazul fra?ilor din sistemul de protec?ie special?, care sunt ocroti?i în raza administrativ-teritorial? a acelea?i direc?ii se desemneaz? acela?i manager de caz. De asemenea, p?rin?ii adoptivi care au adoptat deja un frate dobândesc, ?i ei, prioritate, la potrivirea cu ceilal?i fra?i din sistemul de protec?ie a copilului. - Se simplific? cerererea de încuviin?are a adop?iei prin eliminarea obliga?iei legaliz?rii la notar a documentelor – acestea vor fi certificate de fiecare DGASPC. - Copiii declara?i adoptabili vor putea beneficia de ?ansa la o familie inclusiv dup? împlinirea vârstei de 14 ani, r?mânând adoptabili pân? la majorat. - Se extinde defini?ia persoanelor al?turi de care copilul s-a bucurat de via?a de familie ?i care au prioritate la procedura de potrivire cu copilul / copiii adoptabili. - Concediul de acomodare ?i indemniza?iile pe care le primesc p?rin?ii adoptatori sunt aliniate cu beneficiile de care se bucur? orice p?rinte biologic – de exemplu, indemniza?ia de 85% din media veniturilor nete realizate de p?rintele adoptator în ultimele 12 luni din ultimii 2 ani anteriori datei emiterii hot?rârii judec?tore?ti de încredin?are în vederea adop?iei. - Se condi?ioneaz? clar ?i stict acele situa?ii excep?ionale, neimputabile (cu probe) în care p?rin?ii fire?ti nu mai sunt de acord cu adop?ia ?i cer revizuirea împotriva unei hot?rârii judec?tore?ti de deschidere a procedurii adop?iei - Se simplific? monitorizarea post-adop?ie. De exemplu, monitorizarea postadop?ie nu se realizeaz? în cazul adop?iei interne a copilului de c?tre so?ul p?rintelui firesc sau adoptiv ori de c?tre rudele copilului ?i nici în cazul adop?iei copilului de c?tre tutorele s?u ori de c?tre persoane/familii care au avut copilul în plasament cel pu?in 2 ani. - Se introducere obliga?ia ca directorul DGASPC s? controleze, trimestrial, modul în care fiecare manager de caz î?i desf??oar? activitatea în beneficiul copiilor de care se ocup?. - Se stimuleaz? adop?ia intern? a copiilor greu adoptabili prin acordarea de stimulente financiare (care se acord? dup? sentin?a de adop?ie ?i pân? la majoratul copilului adoptat sau pân? la 26 ani dac? î?i continu? studiile); redau mai jos textul legii: ”(1) Adoptatorul sau familia adoptatoare beneficiaz?, de indemniza?ie de sprijin, raportat? la indicatorul social de referin??, în cuantum de 1,20 ISR, pentru fiecare copil care, la data r?mânerii definitive a hot?rârii judec?tore?ti de încuviin?are a adop?iei, se afl? în una din urm?toarele situa?ii: a) are vârsta cuprins? între 3 ?i 6 ani; b) este încadrat în grad de handicap u?or sau mediu; c) face parte dintr-un grup de 2 fra?i adoptabili împreun?. (2) Cuantumul indemniza?iei se majoreaz? cu 50% pentru cazul în care la data r?mânerii definitive a hot?rârii judec?tore?ti de încuviin?are a adop?iei copilul se afl? în una din urm?toarele situa?ii: a) are împlinit? vârsta de 7 ani; b) este încadrat în grad de handicap accentuat sau grav, infectat HIV sau bolnav SIDA; c) face parte dintr-un grup de cel pu?in 3 fra?i adoptabili împreun?. (3) În situa?ia în care copilul adoptat întrune?te dou? dintre condi?iile prev?zute la alin.(1) sau (2), cuantumul indemniza?iei de sprijin, se majoreaz? cu 75%. (4) În situa?ia în care copilul adoptat întrune?te cumulativ toate condi?iile prev?zute la alin.(1) sau pe cele prev?zute la alin. (2), cuantumul indemniza?iei de sprijin se majoreaz? cu 100%.” - Se acord? sume fixe anuale de bani pentru sus?inerea cheltuielilor de recuperare medical? necesare copilului adoptat - P?rin?ii sunt ajuta?i s? adopte ?i copii din alt? zon? geografic? decât cea în care domiciliaz?, prin decontarea unor cheltuieli p?rin?ilor adoptatori cu vizita de potrivire practic?. În prezent, aproximativ 50000 de copii tr?iesc în sistemul de protec?ie a copilului, conform datelor oficiale f?cute publice de c?tre Autoritatea pentru Drepturile Persoanelor cu Dizabilit??i, Copii ?i Adop?ii. În 2017 pu?in peste 3000 de persoane aveau atestatul necesar adop?iei ?i pu?in peste 1000 persoane au ?i adoptat copii. Legea votat? ast?zi (PLX 736/2018) are menirea s? contribuie, prin aplicarea ei, la cre?terea semnificativ? a adop?iei interne, dup? ce va fi promulgat? de Pre?edintele României. Roxana Mînzatu Deputat PSD Bra?ov 3 noiembrie 2020