Cost of a search

This page contains more information about our rates for domestic and foreign searches.

Costs for a search in the Netherlands

A domestic search costs € 85.

This amount is a personal contribution for the search. For Fiom, the total cost of a search is much higher. The rest of the costs are paid from government subsidies. Fiom is a non-profit organization and we do not earn anything from conducting searches.

For this amount we do the following:

Consulting sources, such as the Personal Records Database, data at municipalities, the Center for family history and / or the Register of Business.

Searching for any distance and / or adoption file.

Guidance by an experienced care provider to the seeker and the person found.

If desired, guidance during the first meeting.

Costs for a search abroad

The costs of a search abroad differ per country where you want to search. A search abroad costs at least € 285.

Below is an overview of costs in a number of countries. Is your country not listed here? Then contact Fiom. We can tell you the exact costs and search options for the country in question.

The real costs of a search are many times higher. The rest of the costs are reimbursed by the government. The amount you pay is a personal contribution for the search. Fiom is a non-profit organization and we do not earn anything from conducting searches.

For this amount we do the following:Puzzle missing pieces searching for family costs Fiom

Translation of data required for the search abroad.

Searching for any adoption file in the Netherlands.

Guidance by an experienced counselor to the seeker.

If desired, guidance during a first meeting in the Netherlands by Fiom (in some countries guidance during the meeting by Fiom's partner abroad is possible, sometimes a fee is charged for this).

Maintaining contact with you and the partner abroad who is looking for your family member on behalf of Fiom.

Translation of the first correspondence if desired.

In some countries the full cost of a search is within this amount. However, there are countries where our partner charges for the work to be performed or travel to be made. These costs will be passed on to you after you have given permission to make them.

The prices mentioned are the minimum costs for a search in the relevant country. You will be informed in advance if additional costs have to be incurred.

Country Cost search

Australia € 285

Benin € 285

Brazil € 785 - of which you get € 500 back if the person is not found

Bulgaria € 285

Canada € 285

Colombia € 285

Congo € 535

Germany € 285 - possibly a maximum of € 30 extra for consulting registers

France € 540 to € 635

Ghana € 285

Greece € 285

Guatemala € 785

Indonesia € 285 - plus additional costs depending on the search location

Israel € 285

Lebanon € 285

Mauritius € 435

Peru € 285 - plus additional travel expenses and an additional $ 380 for searches in Lima

Romania € 285

Spain € 285

Thailand minimum € 285, maximum € 985

Turkey € 285

United States € 285

Vietnam € 285

South Korea € 285

Switzerland € 285

South Africa € 285

Fiom searches in more countries than mentioned above. Is your country not listed here? Please contact us. We can tell you whether we can search in a specific country and what costs are associated with this. You can also use the application form for more information(link is external) to fill in.