3 December 2010

SP Member of Parliament Nine Kooiman and SP MEP Dennis de Jong want clarification about the report that the European Commission is trying to seize more power over the heads of adopted children. A quality Romanian newspaper revealed today that the European Commission has pressured researchers to conclude that there is a need for a European Adoption Agency when the underlying research does not support that conclusion. Kooiman: 'We all know the desire for more resources and more power from the European Commission, but I would find it terrible that the problems surrounding adoption would be used for that. Adopted children in particular deserve extra protection and care. '

Adoption scandals in the past have prompted Romania to stop intercountry adoptions. Attempts would now be made to force Romania to reopen its borders to adoptions. Rumors about establishing a European adoption policy have been around for some time. Kooiman: 'I recently asked a number of critical questions about this, but they have not yet been answered. But today's revelation goes even further than what I suspected. ”

The SP is not in favor of stimulating intercountry adoptions at a European level, because the starting point must be that children can grow up in their original environment as much as possible. Adoption from abroad is also a vulnerable process. Kooiman: 'If it is true that the European Commission is manipulating research results, we have a problem. Not only because it is unacceptable that studies are being adapted so that Europe can take more power. But mainly because these are vulnerable children. The best interests of the child must come first, not the interests of the European Commission. '

Kooiman has put written questions to the State Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the State Secretary of Justice about adoption. Dennis de Jong has asked the Commission for clarification.
