Syrian crisis: children need our help more than ever
16 December 2016

Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict, Terre des hommes has been protecting displaced children in a Damascus suburb. They receive psychological support as well as material and financial aid.

Years of conflict have left many children traumatised and suffering from stress. “The younger children have never known a life without bombings, violence and suffering. In the bigger cities, hiding in the cellar has become a way of life”, reports Catherine Hallé, desk officer for Syria.

Our activities are designed to protect children and contribute to their well-being. In groups or individually, we let the children express what they have experienced in games or by playing with puppets. With professional support, they develop the strength they need to deal better with the emotional and social challenges they face. Some children with severe difficulties are referred to specialists, e.g. psychiatrists or language therapists.

The Tdh team in Syria also provides food, hygiene articles and financial support to pay the rent or purchase urgently needed medicine. Particularly vulnerable children and their families receive additional support in winter.

Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, Terre des hommes has been providing humanitarian aid to thousands of children who have fled to Lebanon and Jordan, as well as to those who have risked their lives trying to reach Europe.