Fwd: one more serbia story - THE PROCEDURE OF ADOPTION OF THE CHILD CONTINUES The Swedes are still given a boy from Zrenjanin

29 September 2016

The Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans' Affairs and Social Affairs announced that the procedure of this adoption will be continued, because "based on monitoring the course of mutual adjustment of the child and potential adopters, it was assessed that concrete adoption is in his best interest."

- The interest of the child and respect for the law is the only thing that the competent institutions are guided by, and public pressure cannot have an influence on that - the ministry announced. They accused the child's foster parent of obstructing the process.

Serbian children are adopted by foreigners

The Ministry states that about 10 percent of all children eligible for adoption in Serbia are adopted by foreigners, and that Sweden and the United States are in the lead. During the last 10 years:

- 60 children went to Sweden

- 51 children went to the USA

- 8 children went to Canada

- 3 children went to France

- 3 children went to Slovenia

- 2 children went to Britain

- 2 children went to Luxembourg

- At the moment of starting the adoption process, she showed that she did not approve of the decision of the guardianship body and with her behavior and actions she obstructed the adoption process, guided by her own belief in the child's interest, despite pointing and interventions of all experts who led and controlled the procedure.

Thus, she exceeded the limits of her role and, despite pointing out that, like all actors in the adoption process, she was obliged to respect the legal obligation to maintain data confidentiality, she gave the public inaccurate information about the specific procedure and its role in it. they can arise for the child and potential adopters in a delicate process of mutual adjustment - the ministry stated. In cooperation with the Provincial Secretariat for Social Policy, Demography and Gender Equality, they sent an inspection of social protection to the Center for Social Work in Zrenjanin and requested a reaction from the Protector of Citizens, which is also responsible for protecting the rights of the child.

At the same time, how "Hello!" finds out, 5,000 people have already signed a petition to prevent adoption, while yesterday a protest was held by the citizens of Zrenjanin in front of the hotel "Vojvodina" and the local Center for Social Work.

Foster parent: Ljiljana Radulovi?

Foster parent: Ljiljana Radulovi?, Photo: promo

But all that, unfortunately, did not contribute to the foster mother Ljiljana Radulovi? seeing the boy again when she was raising her from the third month of life.

- The scariest of all is that everything happened in just a few days. No one is still calling me, nor have I seen the child they took from me last Friday. Today I'm going to see what the prosecution decided, which I previously asked to allow me to see the child - a story for "Hello!" crying, Ljiljana adds that she cannot believe that "it is really necessary for us all to shoot each other while the child is suffering".

- Nobody is important - me, the law, the adopters, but also the Center for Social Work. We should think about the child's well-being and his feelings - she says.

The same case in Aleksinac ?!

At the time of completing this text, information emerged that an almost identical case was occurring in Aleksinac. A story appeared in the public that one of the two brothers from a foster family in this city was also given to the Swedes for adoption, literally, in a hurry. "They came for two or three days, and then they took the boy who was now in the first grade for fraud, under the pretext of going to buy him a birthday present, and did not return it for two days. People are worried because he is very attached to his brother, and he did not separate from them - said a man familiar with this case. jm


Ministarstvo za rad, zapošljavanje, bora?ka i socijalna pitanja saopštilo je da ?e postupak ovog usvajanja biti nastavljen, jer je „na osnovu pra?enja toka me?usobnog prilago?avanja deteta i potencijalnih usvojitelja procenjeno da je konkretno usvojenje u njegovom najboljem interesu“.

- Interes deteta i poštovanje zakona je jedino ?ime se rukovode nadležne institucije i na to ne može imati uticaj pritisak javnosti - saopštilo je to ministarstvo. Oni su optužili hraniteljicu deteta da je opstruisala proces.

Srpsku decu usvajaju stranci

U Ministarstvu navode da oko 10 odsto od svih mališana podobnih za usvajanje u Srbiji usvoje stranci, kao i da u tome prednja?e Švedska i SAD. Tokom poslednjih 10 godina:

- 60 dece otišlo je u Švedsku

- 51 dete otišlo je u SAD

- 8 dece otišlo je u Kanadu

- 3 deteta otišlo je u Francusku

- 3 deteta otišlo je u Sloveniju

- 2 deteta otišlo je u Britaniju

- 2 deteta otišlo je u Luksemburg

- U momentu zapo?injanja procesa usvojenja pokazala je da ne odobrava odluku organa starateljstva i svojim ponašanjem i postupcima opstruisala je zapo?eti proces usvojenja, rukovode?i se sopstvenim uverenjem šta je detetov interes, uprkos ukazivanju i intervencijama svih stru?njaka koji su postupak vodili i kontrolisali.

Time je ona prekora?ila granice svoje uloge i, uprkos ukazivanju da je, kao i svi akteri u postupku usvojenja, dužna da poštuje zakonsku obavezu ?uvanja tajnosti podataka, davala javnosti neta?ne informacije o konkretnom postupku i svojoj ulozi u njemu, ne vode?i ra?una o posledicama koje mogu da nastanu za dete i potencijalne usvojitelje u delikatnom procesu uzajamnog prilago?anja - navelo je to ministarstvo. Oni su u saradnji sa Pokrajinskim sekretarijatom za socijalnu politiku, demografiju i ravnopravnost polova u Centar za socijalni rad u Zrenjaninu poslali inspekciju socijalne zaštite i zatražili reakciju Zaštitnika gra?ana u okviru ?ije nadležnosti je i zaštita prava deteteta.

Ujedno, kako „Alo!” saznaje, ve? je 5.000 ljudi potpisalo peticiju kojom žele da se spre?i usvajanje, dok je ju?e održan i protest gra?ana Zrenjanina ispred hotela „Vojvodina” i tamošnjeg Centra za socijalni rad.

Hraniteljica: Ljiljana Radulovi?

Hraniteljica: Ljiljana Radulovi?, Foto: promo

Ali sve to, nažalost, nije doprinelo da hraniteljka Ljiljana Radulovi? ponovo vidi de?aka koga je odgajala od tre?eg meseca života.

- Najstrašnije od svega je što se sve desilo za samo nekoliko dana. Niko mi se i dalje ne javlja, niti sam videla dete koje su mi odveli prošlog petka. Danas idem da vidim šta je odlu?ilo tužilaštvo koje sam prethodno molila da mi odobri da vidim dete - pri?a za „Alo!” pla?u?i Ljiljana i dodaje da ne može da veruje da je „stvarno neophodno da se svi prepucavamo dok dete ispašta”.

- Niko nije važan - ja, zakon, usvojitelji, ali ni Centar za socijalni rad. Trebalo bi da razmišljamo o dobrobiti deteta i njegovim ose?anjima - pri?a ona.

Isti slu?aj i u Aleksincu?!

U trenutku završavanja ovog teksta, pojavila se informacija da se gotovo identi?an slu?aj doga?a i u Aleksincu. U javnosti se pojavila pri?a da je jedan od dva brata iz hraniteljske porodice u ovom gradu tako?e dat na usvajanje Šve?anima, bukvalno, napre?ac. „Dolazili su dva-tri dana, a onda de?aka koji je sad krenuo u prvi razred na prevaru, pod izgovorom da idu da mu kupe poklon za ro?endan, odveli i ne vra?aju ga dva dana. Ljudi su zabrinuti jer je jako vezan za brata, a od njih se nije odvajao - naveo je ?ovek upu?en u ovaj slu?aj. j. m.
