With the campaign "Everyone a Max", Child Focus wants to be a person of trust for every child

26 February 2021

Child Focus, the Foundation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children, is launching the "Everyone a Max" campaign. The organization wants children to choose an adult who they trust 100 percent - a Max - whom they can turn to with all their problems. In this way it can be prevented that children run away or develop psychological problems, for example.

Child Focus is confronted with an average of 3 new disappearances of minors every day, 80 percent of which are runaways. There were also 300 cases of child sexual exploitation last year, both online and in the real world.

The organization is convinced that if children could go to an adult to talk about things that are not going well - for example in the home situation - the step to run away could be avoided.

Children often stand alone


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wed 15 jul 2020 11:00 am

"The common thread running through the files of runaway children or children who are sexually exploited is that those children are very often alone," says Heidi De Pauw of Child Focus. "They struggle with problems and questions that they cannot turn to anyone. They are left with their problems, causing those problems to accumulate or get worse and they do not seek help. That is why we want to give every child a Max, a confidant who is always there is to talk. That way we act on prevention and avoid bigger problems. "

As Max you really have to be there for the child

Heidi De Pauw, Child Focus

The intention is that children choose their Max themselves. They can ask someone from their immediate environment, someone they feel comfortable with and who they trust 100 percent. It has to be someone with whom they occasionally do fun things and who is also very accessible. Children can also choose multiple "Maxes" and a Max can also become someone else over time.

The Max must of course also agree with his role and take it seriously. "When you get such a question to be Max, you shouldn't take it too lightly," says De Pauw. "The intention is that you are really there for that child. That you really listen when the child comes to you with something nice or less pleasant and that you may look for a solution or help with serious problems together."

Read more below the video.

Bob and Max

Child Focus's ambition is to make the figure Max as commonplace and known as Bob from the alcohol campaigns. Choosing a Max should therefore become just as easy for children as choosing a Bob as a driver to go out, that is for adults.

Max's concept is supported by numerous influencers and ambassadors, including singer Marthe De Pillecyn from K3 and actor Michiel De Meyer. In the coming months and years, a broad communication campaign will make Max known to both young people and adults.

Children can ask someone to become Max in an original way via the website everyoneeenmax.be . There, both children and adults can find all information about Max.
