Parents outraged: Sending adopted child back

9 March 2021

- So awful.

- How can anyone make themselves do that to a small child?

Fy for the devil

This is how Anette S. writes in one of the comments written on SVT's Jönköbing's Facebook profile about a local couple who, after a year and a half with an adopted child, have handed it back to the country the child originally came from. And Anette S is not the only one who is shaken by the case, which has led the municipality to ask the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help:

- Damn it.

Missing an explanation

- It is low, write Caroline D and Shahin M. would like to hear what consequences the children's tournament will have for the adults involved. Britt

M. agrees and misses more information:

- It would be appropriate to get some kind of explanation - because that's not how you do it, she writes, and SVT's editorial staff promises that they are working on the case:

- We try to get clarity on that question, and we get an answer, we update the article, writes SVT, but what do you think?
