Adoption & Society wants targeted assistance for finding roots, rather than general examination of all adoptions
22 March 2021

A study of all adoptions to Denmark will be a completely insurmountable task, both practically and financially, and we doubt whether such a general and all-encompassing study is the best way to use resources within the adoption area. If a study is to be carried out, one must define in advance specifically and concretely what is to be examined, e.g. in relation to “adoptions from X countries in the period xx-xx”, just as is the custom when Danish authorities have carried out investigations so far.

Adoption & Society has both a historical and contemporary interest in the field of adoption, and in certain circumstances an independent study may be a relevant option. However, before launching the investigation, it is absolutely crucial that you clearly define:

What is the purpose of the study? What do you want to achieve?

What period will one investigate?

Which countries will be examined?

What is the time frame for a survey?

Who should be in charge of such a study? Which disciplines must be included?

What are the costs of a study?

How will you concretely apply and follow up on the results from the study -

the new knowledge that may come in the individual cases and countries?

a. In relation to the adoptees

b. In relation to adoptive parents

c. In relation to the biological family

d. In relation to the responsible authorities

It is Adoption & Samfund's position that in any future independent investigations, there should be complete clarity and focus on:

How do the authorities handle data and results from the investigation during and after the investigation in relation to affected parties?

How do you ensure both ethical and legal considerations for the participants in relation to both the study and the results?

What support is subsequently offered to those parties who may be affected or affected by the results of the investigation?

In Adoption & Society, we focus on ensuring that all parties in the adoption triangle are secured in the process, ie. the adoptee, the adoptees and the biological family, which is the party in the adoption triangle that is most often overlooked - at least in international adoptions. In addition, there should be a special focus on the situation of the adopted person, who at the time of adoption was the innocent party in a family change.

Adoption & Society works to get a professional, state-funded independent body to help the adoptees who want their case investigated. It must be possible to obtain legal, psychological and practical assistance in connection with the search for roots (so-called technical PAS) - and not least help to process the potential new information afterwards. This assistance must be offered to all parties in the adoption triangle, including biological relatives in the countries of origin. We are still working to allocate funds for all adoption cases to be digitized, so that access to information in one's own case is significantly facilitated.

It is Adoption & Samfund's opinion that resources will be better spent on targeted assistance and advice in connection with the search for roots and possibly establishing and maintaining contact between adoptees and their biological family, rather than a mapping of all adoptions.
