Emilie Larter: 'Surreal' to be home after adoption battle

16 April 2021

A woman who spent almost five years battling to adopt a boy in Uganda said it was "surreal" to now be living in the UK.

Emilie Larter, 29, from Worcestershire, was volunteering for a children's charity in 2014 when she took care of baby Adam, whose mother had died.

She raised thousands of pounds to adopt him, and the pair have been back in the UK since January.

Adam has now started school and is making friends, she said.

Emilie Larter


image captionAdam's mother died soon after giving birth and Ms Larter first held him in her arms when he was five days old

"It was very surreal coming back," the 29-year-old said.

"We had been trying to do it for so long that when it actually happened it didn't feel like it was real at all."

She said starting school has been the "biggest hurdle" so far for Adam, but his teachers have been "wonderful".


image captionMs Larter's mother said Adam "loves going to the park"

"He is definitely finding it a little bit tricky but he has made some friends, we have been on some play dates this Easter, so I am sure in time he will really settle in," she said.

The pair have been living in Leigh Sinton with Ms Larter's parents.

Mr Larter and Adam

image caption Mr Larter said Adam's energy levels are amazing

Her father, Peter, said: "He has settled in really well and he is a really loveable boy.

"His energy levels are amazing so it is tiring but it is good, we wouldn't want it any other way."

Ms Larter's mother, Jacqueline, added: "Now that he's here... I wouldn't have it any other way, he's our grandson and that's it."

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Although Ms Larter officially adopted Adam in Uganda, it is not recognised in the UK, and she still has to adopt him here.

"I'm not so worried about it now because I know he won't be taken off me, we will be together forever now," she said.

Emilie Larter with partner and children


image captionEmilie Larter is now using crowdfunding to help bring her partner and his family to the UK

She is also hoping to help bring her partner and his family from Uganda to the UK.

"I expect it will be quite a process and it is not going to be easy, but we are going to do our best," she said.
