State Secretary for European Affairs George Ciamba meets with Simon Mordue, Head of Dir. A Strategy and Turkey, DG Neighbourhood
10 June 2015

State Secretary for European Affairs George Ciamba meets with Simon Mordue, Head of Dir. A Strategy and Turkey, DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations of the European Commission

On June 10th, 2015, State Secretary for European Affairs George Ciamba met with Simon Mordue, Head of Dir. A Strategy and Turkey, DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations of the European Commission, on a visit in Bucharest.

They discussed topical subjects on the European agenda which at this time engage in-depth reflection and discussion in the European Union, such as developments in the Eastern Neighborhood, the ongoing review of the European Neighborhood Policy, EU enlargement and relations between the EU and Turkey.

They also had a wide exchange on the main challenges facing the European Union and its Member States such as migration, as a multifaceted subject in terms of adopting an approach that agrees with the European values and the principle of solidarity; they also discussed the development in a substantive, differentiated manner of the relation between the EU and partners in its vicinity. Also approached were the current debate in the UK concerning its EU future, and economic developments in the EU from the perspective of developments in Greece.

As regards the Eastern Neighborhood the two officials underlined the complexity of strategic challenges in the region, seeing the implications of the current security situation, and the need to have a uniform EU approach and a collective effort to bring security and stability needed to reinstate normalcy in the region. They noted the importance of seeing progress in implementing the Association Agreements (AA/DCFTA) with the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia, so the signatory states can receive the full range of benefits those agreements bring.

The Romanian official emphasized the need for a sustained commitment of the EU and its Member States to seeing the Republic of Moldova, continue to promote a pro-European agenda based on reforms, and showed Romania’s concrete support for the past years for this country’s modernization and achievement of its European goals.

The discussion set out the need to continue the enlargement process, given the clear transformative power of the enlargement policy as a successful EU project that has brought peace, stability, democracy and prosperity on the European continent.
