The "Saved through adoption" campaign begins in Sibiu

1 June 2021

For the first time, in Sibiu County , on the National Adoption Day, on Wednesday, June 2, the Campaign to promote adoption is launched. Sibiu residents are expected on Tuesday, at 13.30, in Tineretului Park to send to the sky the greatest desire of any child, to have a family, by launching helium balloons for every adoptable child in Sibiu County, hoping that soon the dream their will be fulfilled.

"'Saved through adoption' is the message of the campaign which shows that, YES, adoption is for the child but it also saves everyone around it, gives the child the opportunity to enjoy childhood, gives meaning to adoptive parents and gives communities the opportunity to be in solidarity with the most vulnerable of their members. We want to emphasize, thus, the positive impact of adoption on all factors involved in the process: parents, siblings, grandparents, family, school, community ", say the representatives of DGASPC Sibiu.

This campaign aims to make information about adoption accessible to the public, no longer a taboo subject, to dispel myths or preconceived ideas about this subject, emphasizing that all that matters is to raise a happy child, to enjoy the love that you receive it and you can offer it. In it, stories of adoption, love and altruism of wonderful people who gave hope and a family to children who wanted it most will be presented.

"It is a campaign in which we invite the whole community to contribute because everyone can do something. So far, we have been joined by public authorities with responsibilities in the field of child protection, artists, actors, journalists, priests, NGOs, etc. so that together we can find a family for each child ", explains the deputy director of DGASPC Sibiu, Olimpia Indrie?.

The campaign is organized by DGASPC Sibiu together with the Romania Without Orphans Alliance with the support of the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children and Adoptions.
