Hiring Project Supporter Expertise Center Intercountry Adoption

27 May 2021

Hiring Project Supporter Expertise Center Intercountry Adoption

Ministry of Justice and Security

V 2.0 dated. 15 August 2018


DAS Office IUC VenJ Quotation

Request DAS Organizational Advice, Policy Advice and Project Management

Reference: 10100041431

Date: 27-05-2021

CTM number: 271028

Dear Sir or Madam,

We hereby invite you to submit a quotation for the hiring of a Project Manager

Expertise Center Intercountry Adoption.

This application will be submitted in accordance with the Selection Guidelines dated 16-09-2016 and the accompanying Memoranda of

Information no 1 to 5: no 1: 7 October 2016; no 2: 21 Nov 2016; no 3: February 17, 2017; no

4: March 23, 2017; no 5: July 17, 2017 and no 6: August 15, 2018 regarding the establishment of a

DAS and renewal for Organizational Advice, Policy Advice and Project Management, sent to all

suppliers admitted to this DAS.

The Draft Agreement applies to this

Request for Quotation, which has been made available on the tender platform as an annex to this Request for Quotation. The Draft Agreement

includes an obligation to electronic invoicing. The Conditions for

electronic invoicing are included in Appendix 7 of this Request for Quotation.

General data

Client DGSenB

DG /management/department CBJ

Place of employment The Hague (working from home due to corona)

Latest start date asap

Expected hiring duration

Temporary for the duration of the project (at least until

the first quarter of 2022). (option to extend – until the

end of the project)

Number of hours per week Average 36 hours per week

Reason for hiring Project

Number of persons to be hired 1

Number of candidates to be proposed one (1)

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

You may propose a maximum of 1 candidate who can

carry out the assignment by submitting a curriculum vitae.

!! Please note that the requirements set in this Request for Proposal,

including in the questionnaire on CTM, are also demonstrated in

the CV and/or motivation letter!!

Schedule Make


Request for Quotation 28 May 2021

Deadline for

asking questions 2 June 2021 at 3:00 pm

Target date for making available

answers 3 June 2021 at 3:00 pm

Deadline and

closing time for submission


14 June 2021 before 3:00 pm

!!! The safe closes exactly at the above time according to the

clock of the tender platform. It is

no longer possible to submit registrations from that moment on!!!

Maximum number of candidates to

be invited for Interview

Any candidate who can be considered for award of the contract

based on the number already

points scored and the maximum number of points still to be scored

will be invited for the Interview.


Planned interview date 15/16 June 2021

Location Interview Digital

Invite interview date 11 June 2021 Announcement of

award 18 June 2021

Requirements for the Tender

1. The questionnaire on the tender platform has been completed completely and truthfully.

2. The Tenderer states the hourly rate on the tender platform. The rate includes travel

and accommodation costs and includes other additional costs, excluding VAT.

You must enter this at the gray button “Enter price/rate”.

Note that you must use a comma and not a period! Example € 10.00.

3. The Tender fully complies with the requirements as stated in this Request for Quotation and

the questionnaire on the tender platform. Failure to meet a requirement means exclusion

from further assessment of the Tender (knock out).

4. The data submitted with the Tender and the registration data in the DAS are

valid and current.

5. The Tender has been submitted by or on behalf of a legal representative of the


6. Validity Registration is at least 30 days from closing date.

7. Should it become known during the tender procedure of a Tenderer that he is, for this

If the relevant business activity(ies) is

discontinued , the Client reserves the right to terminate the procedure for that Tenderer.

8. The costs of preparing the offer are for the account of the Tenderer.

9. The Registration and correspondence will take place in the Dutch language.

10. The Registration contains no reservations.

11. By submitting a Tender, the Tenderer declares:

a. to agree with the provisions of this tender procedure.

b. agree to the applicability and content of this Request for Quotation.

c. to agree to the agreement as attached including the ARVODI-2014.

d. that its own terms and conditions are expressly not applicable.

e. that to its knowledge the Candidate is not also offered in another Tender on this

Request for Quotation. If this is the case, the Tenderer declares that

it will determine which Tender

is withdrawn in consultation with the Candidate and other Tenderer .

12. When registering for this assignment, the Tenderer must

provide personal data, among other things . By registering, the Tenderer declares that it is entitled to provide the

personal data of the proposed candidates and, by

registering, gives explicit permission to the use and processing of this data

for assessing registrations and possibly contracting for the requested




1. reserves the right, without stating reasons and without any obligation to

pay any compensation whatsoever, to withdraw a Request for Quotation.

2. has no obligation to award.



The content of this Request for Quotation is confidential and may only be

shown to employees who need to be aware of it before submitting data. The Client will

treat your Tender with the same confidentiality.

Completeness and correctness of information

If it appears during the award process that the candidate has provided incorrect information,

the contracting authority reserves the right to remove the candidate from the DAS.

Further information

Requests for further information with regard to substantive and procedural aspects of this

Request for Quotation should only be made via the “Messages” tab in the request on the platform


Questions (if submitted in time) will be answered anonymously and

sent to all Tenderers via a message on the platform. Subscribers will receive a notification via

email. The answers are also placed in the downloadable documents folder.

Technical questions – CTM helpdesk

For technical questions about the tender platform, you can contact the helpdesk (for example

if you are unable to log in or to send your Tender). You can then

contact the CTM helpdesk by telephone on +31 (0)20 670 8500.

Sending Tender

a Tenderer submits the Tender by clicking the 'Send proposal' button before the closing date


b When the registration has been sent in full (all questions in the questionnaire have been answered),

the bar under 'percent complete' will turn green.

c Tenderer will receive an email notification confirming that the Tender has been sent; this

e-mail notification serves as a receipt.

d It is possible to check in the logbook (click on 'log's tab') whether your Registration has been

sent and to make a printout of this.

e The risk of late shipment lies with the Tenderer.

f The upload times of documents belonging to the Tender partly depend on

factors outside the tender platform and cannot be guaranteed.

g It is possible and advisable to send documents of your Registration that are already ready

. If you would like to

modify it afterwards, but before the deadline , you can do so by sending the modified document. NB Only the last

version sent is visible to the Contracting Authority and will be processed

taken. Submission of an interim proposal becomes binding after the

registration period has expired .

h After the registration period has closed, your Registration can no longer be accessed for



The assessment of Tenders is carried out in three steps.

Step 1 Determining completeness and validity of the Tenders

The Tender must be complete and valid. Complete means that all documents that must

be submitted are factual and complete. An incomplete and/or invalid Registration will

be disregarded and excluded from further assessment unless the lack of certain

information is regarded as trivial by the Contracting Authority.

Step 2 Assess compliance with the requirements and conditions for the execution of the assignment

The Tender must fully comply with the requirements set out in this Request for Proposal and in the online questionnaire

. Failure to meet a requirement means exclusion from further assessment of the

Tender (knock out).


Step 3 Assessment of the Sub-award criteria

The assessment of the sub-award criteria is carried out in the following phases:

a. Assessment of the Requirements

The Tender will be assessed on the basis of the requirements as included in the online questionnaire.

The distribution of points per wish is included in the online questionnaire. The weighting of the

points per wish are included under the button “view/print answer form”. The

weighted score is established by multiplying

the points obtained per wish by the applicable weighting. A maximum of 60 points can

be obtained for the wishes after weighing .

b. Assessment Price

The Tender will be assessed on the award criterion price.

The Registration with the lowest rate will receive the maximum weighted score of 40 points. The

other entries will receive points pro rata according to the formula:

Score = (((100)-100*(1-(lowest Bid/Bid))) x 0.4)

c. The sum of score of a. the wishes and b. the price determines the ranking. The highest scoring

Tender ranks 1 in the ranking, the next highest scoring rank

2 in the ranking, etc.

Any Tenderer who can qualify for award of the contract based on

the number of points already scored and the maximum number still to be scored points is

invited for the next step of the assessment, the interview.

d. Interview

During the Interview, the submitted and assessed requirements and wishes are verified and

assessed on the basis of the interview criteria as described in this

Request for Proposal. If during the Interview it appears that the answers to the requirements and

wishes from the Registration is not correct, this will lead to the registration being discarded

or the score obtained being adjusted. A maximum of 50 points can

be obtained for the Interview .

The interview criteria are assessed on the basis of the rating

scale below: Score 10 = excellent Demonstrates excellent mastery/

possession/possession of the requested item . Adds significantly extra

added value, excels at what is required,

there is a large positive distinctive


Score 8 = good Shows to master/

possess/possess the requested good . Adds value, but

does not excel at what is requested, there is a

distinctive character.

Score 6 = sufficient Demonstrates mastery/possession/possession of the requested item


Score 4 = moderate Shows that he/she has mastered/

possessed/possessed the requested items to some extent . Is not convincing and/or

leaves gaps, falls short in parts.

Score 1 = unsatisfactory Does not show that he has mastered/

possessed/possessed the requested , is not

convincing at all and/or is not relevant in terms of content and/or

is missing, falls completely short.


A weighting factor is stated in the Request for Proposal for each interview criterion. Per

interview criterion, the assessment points are multiplied by the relevant

weighting factor. This leads to the weighted assessment points for the relevant

interview criterion. The sum of the weighted assessment points of the interview criteria

forms the total score of the Interview.

e. Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT): best price-quality ratio.

The contract will be awarded to the Tender with the best price-quality ratio. This is

the Tender with the highest total score on a. the wishes, b. the price and d. the interview.


Description Client

The Joustra Committee has conducted an independent investigation into intercountry adoption in

Past. In a report from February 2021, the Commission concluded that

serious abuses occurred in intercountry adoption in all countries surveyed. The

Commission also concludes that the Dutch government was aware of adoption abuses and in a number of

cases representatives of the Dutch government were also involved.

The Commission has made three recommendations. One of the recommendations of this

committee is to set up an independent national expertise center

to facilitate the searches of intercountry adoptees by bringing together information, knowledge and resources.

For example, adoptees can contact the expertise center for:

-Access to adoption records and parentage information

The expertise center provides assistance in finding and accessing adoption records.

It also has knowledge of the possibilities and risks of DNA testing.

-Information about searches

The expertise center acts as a point of contact for adoptees about searches and will

build and open up a relevant network in countries of origin. The foreign posts will

actively help to set up and maintain the network of the expertise center on

site. The expertise center will also make use of the expertise and networks already in place in the

countries are built up by interest groups and experts by experience. How all this expertise is

secured in the expertise center is an open question and subject of discussion.

-Psychosocial help

The expertise center itself will offer low-threshold forms of psychosocial help, including

organizing contact with fellow sufferers and counseling in discussion groups. In addition, the

expertise center can refer to more specialized forms of psychological help.

-Legal support

The expertise center offers legal support for frequently asked questions among

adoptees, for example about name changes, revocation of adoption and privacy.

In order to implement the set-up of the expertise center, the Ministry of JenV, as the

client of the set-up of the expertise center, has appointed a project manager, appointed a

project secretary and is now looking for a project supporter.

The responsibility for substantive portfolios concerning (intercountry) adoption is

divided among the directors within the DGSenB, whereby the project expertise center


international adoption falls under the responsibility of the Director of Control, Operations

and Legal Affairs (CBJ).

Description description of service, reason and purpose

In order to implement the setting up of the expertise center, the Ministry of JenV has as

commissioning the organization of the expertise center, appointed a project manager, appointed a

project secretary and now looking for a project supporter

Job title and description of activities


supporter Expertise Center Intercountry Adoption • Substantive and managerial support of the project leader and the project;

• Preparing logistics and content for consultations;

• Keeping track of the project schedule;

• Pushing deadlines;

• Information management and archiving;

• Conducting research on specific topics or problems;

• Preparing progress reports and maintaining issue management;

• Drafting letters, mails;

• Taking minutes and making reports of meetings.

No. Assessment criterion Interview Maximum number of points to be obtained


Has demonstrable experience in successfully

carrying out the activities mentioned in

complex projects with a large number of

stakeholders in a political environment



Has excellent

organizational skills (planning (large)

meetings, drawing up scenarios, etc. )


3. Retains overview and order in a sometimes tumultuous context 10

Is preferably familiar with the way in which

decision-making in a management department is

and the associated procedures

and working methods.



Has experience in writing cpt. documents

such as progress reports, notes for

decision-making, etc.



1. Position Profile

2. Questionnaire on CTM (you must complete this completely)

3. Quotation on CTM (you must complete this)

5. Agreement

6. Confidentiality statement

7. Conditions for electronic invoicing
