Adoption and Special Guardianship Leadership Board (ASGLB)

About the Board The Adoption Leadership Board (ALB) was established in 2014 to provide leadership to the adoption system and drive improvements in performance. In 2018 the Board became the Adoption and Special Guardianship Leadership Board (ASGLB), with a remit to cover previously looked after children subject to adoption or special guardianship orders. Coram-i is contracted by the DfE to provide a management and secretariat service for the ASGLB from 1 July 2019. The ASGLB is made up of representatives from the adoption and permanence system in England and is chaired by Krish Kandiah, who was appointed by the Education Secretary in December 2020. A list of the current Board members can be found below. Any information published by the Board will be made available via this site, so keep checking it for updates. In particular, we will publish analysis of the quarterly data returns on adoption and special guardianship.