Building Bridges to Families program

Children who reject a parent after divorce, who refuse or resist contact with a parent, or treat a parent with contempt, represent one of the greatest challenges facing courts, divorced families, and the professionals who serve them. Family Bridges helps families who therapists and the courts thought were beyond help. Family Bridges is the earliest specialized program for troubled and alienated parent–child relationships. Since 1991 Family Bridges has been the world leader in helping children and teens reconnect with a parent from whom they are alienated. To date it is the only program for these children whose effectiveness has been documented with peer-reviewed research using reliable measures. Family Bridges offers a structured, 4-day, educational and experiential workshop in which the rejected parent and one or more alienated children participate together without any other families and without the presence of the other parent. The workshop is scheduled as close as possible to the date court orders place alienated children with the rejected parent and apart from their other parent, or, in the case of recovered abducted children, upon their return. Referrals to Family Bridges come from courts, child custody evaluators, therapists and counselors, attorneys, and child representatives (such as guardians ad litem, amicus attorneys, and best interest attorneys).