Composition of the Advisory Committee of the VCA

12 September 2021

The Advisory Committee of the VCA consists of:

Representatives of adoptees and adoptive parents.

Representatives of the facilities working in the areas of responsibility of the VCA (these are the Support Center for Adoption, services for social research, adoption services).

Representatives of the employees of those facilities.

Independent experts.

The Children's Rights Commissioner.

A distance parent.

A representative of the union of Dutch-speaking juvenile magistrates.

The Advisory Committee is appointed for 4 years .

The current members are:

Chairman: Nicole Vliegen

Vice-chairmen: Inge Demol, Miranda N. Aerts

Members: Marleen Bloemen, Stijn Derkinderen, Dries Van Gaubergen, Erika van Beek, Iris Vandeborre, Christelle Van Wettere, Dimitri Govers, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Min Berghmans, Thalia Kruger, Sophie Withaeckx , Veronique Van Asch, Bruno Vanobbergen, Johan Van Maldergem, Frederic Vroman
