My Story – Mike Gore

28 November 2021

My Story

I believe we all have a story, and more than that – we all have a purpose, and it’s the journey that makes us great. Living a life driven by my values, my goal is to leave a legacy that lasts.

To lead people and organisations with wisdom, courage and understanding knowing that fulfilment in life comes from WHO we are, not what we do. And that kind of legacy, will impact generations to come.

My story started here: born in the slums of India, to a woman who didn’t want me. Abandoned on the steps of a hospital, left for dead. Unloved, unwanted and prisoner to the caste system that hands down a life sentence of poverty on its victims.

From the outside it appears as though I should have lived an impoverished, uneducated life. I should have been one of the billions living each day forced to fight for survival. That should have been me. But it wasn’t. Because I was saved by a charitable act. Adopted by a family in Australia who chose to give up their money, their time, their love and welcome me into their family. Fighting all odds, bureaucracy, red tape and financial hurdles, they took me in, loved me as their own and taught me how an act of selflessness can make a life-altering difference in the world. This is my story. And today, it’s what drives me. What my parents did for one I want to do for many. Showing people that they can live a life defined by who they are, not by what they do or where they’ve come from. The past doesn’t have to determine your future because it’s the journey that makes us great.
