European Union

The 4 priorities Protecting citizens and freedoms Ensuring effective control of the EU’s external borders and further developing a comprehensive migration policy. Fighting terrorism and cross-border/online crime, increasing the EU's resilience against both natural and man-made disasters. Developing a strong and vibrant economic base Building a resilient economy by deepening the Economic and Monetary Union to ensure that Europe is better prepared for future shocks, completing the banking and capital markets union, strengthening the international role of the euro, investing in skills and education, supporting Europe’s businesses, embracing digital transformation, and developing a robust industrial policy. Building a climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe Investing in green initiatives that improve air and water quality, promote sustainable agriculture and preserve environmental systems and biodiversity. Creating an effective circular economy (where products are designed to be more durable, reusable, repairable, recyclable and energy-efficient) and a well-functioning EU energy market that provides sustainable, secure and affordable energy. A faster transition to renewables and energy efficiency, while reducing the EU’s dependency on outside energy sources. Implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights. Promoting European interests and values on the global stage Building a robust foreign policy based on an ambitious neighbourhood policy with 16 of its closest eastern and southern neighbours and a comprehensive partnership with Africa. Promoting global peace, stability, democracy and human rights. Ensuring a robust trade policy in line with multilateralism and the global rules-based international order. Taking greater responsibility for security and defence, while cooperating closely with NATO.


Title Publication date
Save the Children offices raided in Guatemala 8 October 2024
The Child Guarantee: Phase III – “Testing the Child Guarantee in the EU Member States” 16 July 2024
Incomprehensible that Belgium continues with adoption from Hungary and Bulgaria' 22 June 2024
The EU adopts stronger rules to fight trafficking in human beings - European Commission 27 May 2024
Press release: new chief diplomatic adviser of the President of the European Council 1 May 2024
Reply Belgian EU Presidency to Romanian Adoptees (R&D): EU must implement Hague Adoption Convention 15 April 2024
Trafficked war babies of El Salvador search for their long-lost families 13 April 2024
Fwd: New response to your FOI request - Complaint related to Romanian Children File - 2002-2006 6 February 2024
Danish Report Underscores 'Systematic Illegal Behavior' in South Korean Adoptions 28 January 2024
Norway considers halting overseas adoptions as Denmark's only international agency winds down work 17 January 2024
European Parliament takes a step against surrogacy 6 October 2023
EU Parliament Designates Surrogacy as Human Trafficking 6 October 2023
Human trafficking: MEPs want strong focus on victims’ rights 5 October 2023
Human trafficking: MEPs want strong focus on victims’ rights 5 October 2023
Amending Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims 2 October 2023
International Aspects of Child Protection – Legal and Practice Challenges from the Perspective of CFAB by Maria Wright, Senior Legal Adviser, CFAB 1 July 2023
Fighting human trafficking: Council agrees position for stronger rules 9 June 2023
Reader question: Is Pforzheim city councilor Oana Krichbaum really a lawyer? 20 May 2023
How the LGBT lobby infiltrates European legislation 12 May 2023
Mum's battle to bring her boys back home 20 April 2023
Child rights NGOs join forces to lobby new EU leaders 7 February 2020
By rushing to speed up forced adoptions we are letting children down 9 December 2015
Lumos goes global in its mission to liberate 8m children from institutional harm 4 July 2014
British men falsify paternity to adopt Romanian babies 10 October 2004
Romania bans adoptions in other countries 16 June 2004
The Nastase Government, One Step Away from Political Collapse 21 February 2004
Romania: Brussels' Tough Stance Sends Clear Signal To Other EU Hopefuls 5 February 2004
Report on Human Rights and the Process of NATO Enlargement 1 June 1997
Declaration of the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council ("The Brussels Summit Declaration'') 11 January 1994
Child Welfare in Europe. 1993: Implications for Adoption. Report of a Seminar (Brussels, Belgium, March 1993). March 1993